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- 4 replies
Does anyone have 3 performance management targets per TERM? new head so new things being introduced, also 3 observations a year, plus unannounced ones. I only teach a day and a half - i'll be observed all the time and not sure how i'll come up with so many targets a year!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5664, -
- 13 replies
Why do I so often have trouble posting my answers on the Forum, it just says it's saving my post and goes on forever!, or when I use the auto save thingy (that's technical language) then when the post does finally appear on the forum symbols such as amp enclose some of the words?
Last reply by Steve, -
- 8 replies
Hi everyone, hope you can help - not sure if I have put this in an appropriate place or not, but my hours in work are about to change, and I'm feeling that I am getting a worse deal than the rest of the teachers in my school, but maybe not, Im not sure. I'm a fairly new teacher about to work full time in a nursery unit within a school. My first class will be in at 8.45 (I arrive at 8.30), and they leave at 12.15. My next class arrive at 1pm until 3.30 - I hope to go home at 4pm. Hoping to be able to take 30mins for lunch. Principal has also offered 1 day per month out of the classroom for planning time etc. Other teachers in the school seem to work until 3.50 (3.30 …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
- 11 replies
I've just received a new book from Amazon. To be fair, I did buy it without ever reading it - it's called Super-Pants! I ordered it because it was about superheroes - and we all know how popular that theme is! It also has a bear called Lola in it, and we have a Lola at pre-school! However, upon reading the content, this is what annoys me - they are polar bears, but they are interacting in the story with penguins - in impossibility in the real world! Am I being silly being annoyed by such things - I really dislike giving out the false message to children that polar bears and penguins co-exist.
- 9 replies
Spent all week doing paperwork Errrrr and since 9am today nearly at an end if there is ever one? The house is quiet the men at cricket - mmmmmmm too early for wine or should i wait until 4 pm ??? PS I don't have a drink problem! :blink: :blink: :blink: Just had it with work - I am the manager / owner of a rural pre-school but I still dont get paid for all this extra On a postive side looking forward to seeing our children next week - and staff evening out arranged for Monday Yay!! Do have a tidy house and do have to go to work to sort out our outside area and display boards tomorrow!!! and back again on Monday sorting cupboard etc etc etc etc but at least then the pa…
- 107 replies
Wondered what tells everyone that summer is ending....... For me (being a country girl) it's all the tractors on the roads and when we venture to the pub (not often obviously ) come 10 o'clock the farmers come in having just finished their combining (sp)! :1b
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 1 follower
- 7 replies
If you had a magic wand and could change one thing about yourself what would you change?..... I would wave that wand and get rid of my frog phobia which I have had since the age of 16 (and thats a long time) Am starting to see them everywhere at the moment, and thinking about the dark rainy winter nights when it makes stepping outside my front door a major trauma. One was in the middle of a pathway today while I was walking the dog and I had a full on panic attack, I think my dog was quite bemused by the whole episode!! :blink:
- 17 replies
I have lost count how many rounds of gcse result days I have now seen. Oooh I remember its 4 rounds and counting! After 3 attempts I finally gained a grade A in GCSE English. 12 years ago I sat GCSE maths and failed. A year after getting a grade D in GCSE maths and being disappointed about it. I decided last September to redo the course with the same tutor. I got the results back from the June 12 exams and...I got...a grade....C! So at the same time I decided that I would have another go at doing a science but this time International GCSE biology. Well with no support from the distance learning course and ending up reading the text book to help me…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_41997, -
Carpet Cleaners
by Guest- 21 replies
Not an early years related query - but my Dad is in hospital at the moment and I wanted to clean/get his carpets cleaned while he is there. Has anyone used the machines you can hire yourself? I've noticed that Morrisons hire our carpet cleaning machines and was going to give it a go. Has anyone used their machines, or any others from hire companies, and what were the results like ? Or/and, has anyone used a professional company to get carpets cleaned and can you give any advice as to how successful this has been and a ball park figure regarding cost of it? Hoping to get it done one day this week. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602, -
- 23 replies
Hiya How's everyone getting on? I think that I'm nearly done :1b just the dreaded policy update and a spot of laminating still to do........oh and a thorough clean! :blink:
Last reply by AnonyMouse_39602,