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- 1 reply
I heard this on the news last night but I was half asleep so didnt really take it in. Its shocking I might have to email my MP again! Ftahers and grandparents denied the right to see the children
Last reply by AnonyMouse_9650, -
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi all Well its that time of year again. Christmas plays. What are you all doing with your preschool children. Last year our children sang carols. Our children are 21/2 to raising 5's. Would love some ideas. Dorinda
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33615, -
- 4 replies
I have 2 members of staff who currently hold the Introduction to Pre-school Practice. At the time of gaining the award I believe it was recognised as a Level 2. I am now however led to believe that it is now recognised as a level 1 qualification? Been working on the staff notice board...and my head is very tired - been googling but can find no concrete clarification!! I know the Certificate to Pre-school Practice is Level 2, and the Diploma a Level 3...can anyone point me in the right direction to confirm the level of the IPP! I know people here will have the answer - I'm too tired to continue googling Thank you all!! Melanie
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 16 replies
Well in case you didn't, then go and do it now..put them back one hour and start to enjoy those long dark evenings...... If your forum clock isn't keeping up, then go to my fsf page then scroll down to find board settings, then check the box that says something like correct DST? Anyone like to share what they did with their extra my case it was sleep!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
by Guest- 4 replies
Good morning! I have an interview next week for an internal promotion opportunity for an Area Manager position. It's actually an Assessment day lasting 3 hours, part of the day will involve giving a 10 minute presentation on ... 'My first 3 months in the role of the area manager'. Please illustrate what you feel the challenges would be and how you would overcome them. Also state what you see as the priorities and how you would achieve them. Finally what support and development you would need to ensure you are effective in the role. I'm a big fan of the phrase "winning the hearts and minds of people" and I do feel that this fits in with the companies eth…
- 15 replies
Not only do my committee still want to employ a manager instead of investing in training and supporting the staff they already have...they are now saying that my EYP supplement (part of the single funding formula) definitely will not be going to me...they intend to employ another staff member with it and give all staff a wage rise in line with the 15 months of work I did benefits everyone else for no extra effort... They suggest that I am expecting too much to expect any additional money for being an EYP as it has not added anything to the setting, bearing in mind I am still going through a horrendously elongated greivance procedure (their delays!) and so in …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2268, -
- 10 replies
The nursery owner’s love song You could be my pink blob of glitter playdough, my bee-bot, my large blocks, my gruffalo. You could be the panda in my duplo zoo and I could click your stickle bricks too. We could go stomping where the wild things are, chase the duck in the truck and Laura’s star. You could be Thomas on my wooden Brio track. You could be the carrot in our healthy snack. I want to wind your bobbin up and row, row, row your boat I’d be your tiny turtle with a bubble in my throat. You could wave my parachute, you could tap my shape We could both eat plastic peas off yellow plastic plates. I’…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2418, -
- 16 replies
I have been working really hard on improving outdoor provision for my reception/Y1 class. I have a small area which they have constant access to which always has the water tray in it together with a giant blackboard. There is a bench which I often have snuggly fleece blankets and books for an outdoor 'reading corner' then in addition to that whatever small world the children have asked for - usually cars and road mat or dinosaurs at the moment. If I have another adult we have access to a much larger space which contains another blackboard, climbing frame, and covered sandpit as standard then there are other things we get out at different times. A couple of weeks…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26037, -
A Bit Of A Hard Time.
by Guest- 20 replies
Hello all, I just wanted to post to have a bit of a vent really and get a few things off my chest. I’m sure some of you here remember that about a year ago I was very active in the forums, telling people about what I was doing and offering advice on continuous provision in year one, but that it is only recently I have become active again after a long break. Last year (as in last school year) I worked in a different year one class where I was faced with huge challenges and not really supported as I perhaps should have been. The headteacher clearly took against me from the word go (strange since she had hired me) and although at first the deputy tried to help ou…
- 5 replies
Hope you have a lovely day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920,