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- 15 replies
Hello fellow Early Years colleagues The latest assignment I am working on is based on action reasearch; observing and talking to other practitioners. I am not so sure that what I think we are offering to our children (in two rooms, under two's and 3-rising 5's) as free flow play is truely "freely chosen" between indoors and outdoors. This is because we seem to find plenty of reasons to bring all the children in, to tidy up or for meals are just two examples. I am visiting three other settings to discuss my question with key staff and also to observe, to see if their offering of free flow play works any better than mine. I would be really pleased to hear your…
- 1 reply
Bonjour ma petite Clouseau's!! I wonder if anyone knows what this might be and where I could find one?? Its a robot that walks along letters on cards, spelling out the words as it goes?? Any ideas???
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 0 replies
oops, double post, sorry!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
- 12 replies
Someone posted this on twitter today. Have a go and see what you think. If you can actually draw I'm sure it will be even more fantastic, but I certainly can't and it was still fun! Draw a stickman
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Feeling So Much Better
by Guest- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Hello, so for any of you that have followed my previous rants about being off work with stress and how unsympathetic my operations manager was, well shock horror!, he was actually nice to me LOL. I was asked by HR to ring my ops manager this week to let him know how i was doing with being off with stress. so after spending thirty minutes plucking up the courage to ring him LOL, (and noting down points i wanted to discuss), i rang him. the first thing he asked was how was i, this may or may not have been sincere (i am a cynic LOL), but still he asked. then i told him that i planned to return to work next wednesday and he responded with 'good, i am glad to hear …
Photo Competition
by Guest- 3 replies
Hello - I need some help! Some time, in the last few weeks, I came across a photo competition. It was on a 'literacy'-based site, and inviting practitioners to send a photo of children/child reading in an unusual place. With this in mind, I kept a watch on this area and would now like to submit an entry - BUT, I can't remember where I saw it! . Can anyone help?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 1 reply
Ok lovely ladies, todays 'hide and seek' request! I had a brochure/leaflet/catalogue some while ago, that had in it a huge plastic tray, which they showed as being big enough for several children to lie down in! I have of course, thrown away the said literature, and now need it back again, but can't recall which company it was. I know someone on here will have it to hand, so canyou help please????
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 25 replies
HI all, so as the title suggests i want to find out: when you have had a hard day at work, when you get demotivated and wonder why you do somthing, what is it that keeps you going?????? this is a selfish post really, as i am struggling to find my enthusiasm for childcare (done for 12 years, had a few knocks and lost my confidence!) i want to know what drives and encourages your passion to continue. please share..... i guess for me, deep within i know i am 'meant' to do this, i can not think of another career. i touch the loves of families and for even tyhe one family that appreciate it, it all becomes worthwhile Dawn
- 3 replies
I know some on here do participate in these schemes and I have always commented it would be better to participate in other ways than sending goods by whatever it clogs the mail system and causes issues (I have serving friends who have always told me this) this year I have been sent a link where they are urging the public to bring a little cheer to the front line in other, much more effective, ways so please read the link and think about other ways which could be helpful Festive kindness stops mail tahnk you for taking time to read..
Last reply by AnonyMouse_33615, -
- 17 replies
Visit My Website Lillian's Law is all about road side testing for drugs when there have been road accidents. This bubbly little girl Lillian was struck down by a speeding driver who had been smoking canabis, she died from massive internal injuries.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782,