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Followed Gut Instinct
by Guest- 15 replies
Hello, I posted last week that i had an interview for pre-school manager, well last night i had a phone call requesting that i went for a working interview where i would spend two hours in the pre-school. I have declined this and therefore opted out of the whole application process itself now. The person who interviewed me said it was a shame because i had done a very good interview and it was between me and one other. Now you may be wondering why would i do such a thing as decline the working interview and opt out of the whole process .... welll GUT INSTINCT !. I have always been one that has followed my gut instinct and it hasn't ever failed me (at least not th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20414, -
- 5 replies
Best wishes for a very special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 3 replies
hi we are about to have an ecers-r using the new book introduced earlier this year.has anyone had one using this new book - what was it like? many thanks x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
- 3 replies
Have a great day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 8 replies
In case you haven't discovered this site yet, our county do a fab job providing info and resources on their website. They have just put up some lists of resources for indoor and outdoor learning experiences This link should take you to the gallery of effective practice - if you click on Indoor or Outdoor -gallery of effective practice it will take you to a page with various links to photos, but above the areas of learning it says 'suggested indoor/outdoor learning environment provision. The photos for each areas give lots of ideas too!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
If The Ground Could Swallow Me Up!
by Guest- 4 replies
Arrrrgh......basically I have moved hell and high water to make spaces available for a family who have specific needs that need our support...and so after juggling numbers of children and staff we can offer this family what they need....they are elated (mum cried) - they visit today after weeks of trying to get this sorted....they are looking around and one little boy looks at the visitor and says "when I am bigger I am going to stab people" I was shocked! The parent who desperately wanted a place is shocked....what an odd thing to say ...I have real concerns with this child...I informed the parents what he said who laughed! I said it really wasnt funny and a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
- 7 replies
Many happy returns of the day to you Janny1960. Glad to welcome another one of us to the Saga does begin at 50!!!! Hope you get spoiled rotten today!!
Pre-school Manager Interview
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, well i had an interview on Friday for a pre-school Manager position. all in all i felt it went well and should hear early next week. the position is not term time only, yet the children only attend term time.... the lady said they will employ the person for 52 weeks of the year so that in the busy months (ie august) you are available to do things etc. (i was looking forward to the idea of a term time only position LOL). The pre-school has just had another building built and will soon operate out of two buildings... it has a large waiting list and looks to be doing well. so fingers crossed i will get it, but i am kind of a bit apprehensive about what bein…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11396, -
- 27 replies
Please help the Bumblebee Conservation Trust win their lottery grant by voting through the attached link! Bumblebee trust
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Spiders On My Washing Line
by Guest- 20 replies
Spiders Webs Rotary washing line How do I stop them??? I can deal with spiders, just not ones with their webs in tact, and I know they live outside and eat little bugs but I wish they would leave my washing alone!! I have googled this and only come up with olive oil on the central pole, citronella (as they don't like the smell) and drying clothes inside I haven't tried any yet and wondered if anyone has a cunning plan? I've just moved into a new house and don't want to deal with spiders as well as boxes and cleaning and working out how to set the hot water! Wedding anniversary today - both me and Mr ppp forgot this morning - (previously agreed to cele…