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- 3 replies
Many happy returns of the day to you. Hope you have a great one!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Bye Facebook!
by Guest- 16 replies
Hi if I was a friend on FB with you I just wanted to say I have gone! No Offence to you I just found it all a bit intrusive at the mo...I am on MSN anyone want to chat let me know...
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6716, -
Frustrated About New Job
by Guest- 12 replies
Hi, I'm new here, hoping for some of your wisdom. Until recently, I have been working in a beautiful children's centre with a very supportive and amazing manager. Alas it was only a temp. position and I had to leave. I quickly found a new job at a privately owned and managed nursery. The interview was VERY informal and I was surprised when I was offered the job (at this point the manager hadn't seen any ID, proof of qualifications or CRB check). Well I did accept, even though I had reservations. Since then I have found out a lot of things that upset me. The manager doesn't agree with the EYFS and I'm getting very frustrated trying to explain the importance of Ob…
Back On To The Forum
by Guest- 4 replies
HI All, after a long break from the forum i am back on now. I am currently working as a Deputy Manager in a nursery, but i have an interview for a pre-school manager on Friday. I just have a few questions: i believe the pre-school is committee run, does anyone have experience of this and if so can you advise me of how this differs to a privately run nursery? any ideas on what i could expect from the role of pre-school manager? (i have been a nursery manager in the past but i wonder how different a role the pre-school manager is. and any other worrd of wisdom for the interview would be appreciated, thank you Dawn
- 29 replies
This is not funny anymore. Since January of this year, I have had ear infections upon ear infections. So much so I have had to take time off work since its made me too ill to work. About 8 weeks ago I got the all clear and we though it won't come back. Well on Monday/Tuesday of this week I have felt ill. No idea why I was feeling run down, I assumed it was because I sat 4 exam papers the week before. Then to top it off on Wednesday I became really ill, raced off to the doctors, rang in sick again. Been to the hosptial today and guess whats back yes this ear infection that just won't go away! Well I am behond caring now, but at least even without the right…
- 1 reply
Have a very special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 1 reply
My apologies for being late............ Hope you all enjoyed your birthdays yesterday!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Psrn F2
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi everyone I'm needing a little help and I'm sure everyone else out there has got it sorted. I'm a reception teacher with 26chn and one Nursery Nurse full time. I teach PSRN in the mornings with my class and have split them into 3 groups for differentiation. (22-36m) (30-50m) & (30-60m). I do a wholeclass focus first which can be number rhymes, puppets, quick activity for number recognition etc for ten mins max.....this is when the problem comes because i like to do the focus in small groups. I'll take a group and also my Nursery Nurse, leaving a grp to get on with a simple activity independently. Its really not great because they arent really mature enou…
- 2 replies
Hope the sun shines on your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 4 replies
Today, one of our mums went into labour a couple of weeks early. When we were in the garden 3 magpies were jumping about on the grass at about 10.15 - 10.30 I suppose, when grandma came to pick up at lunch time she said her daughter's baby girl had been born at 10.30!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762,