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- 11 replies
on now BBC 2 x
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- 4 replies
Dear All, In the midst of a career crisis. Please help if you can. I stumbled into Early Years work, becoming a childminder when my little boys were starting school. I love the actual work, but not so keen on carrying all the responsibility by myself for much longer. I've been a parent helper in my boy's school and really loved it. Think I would prefer to be a classroom assistant for the hours and responsibility level, but would it pay enough and is there enough work available? Childminders have potential to earn about £27k if always busy and work all hols (I certainly don't though). I have completed the NVQ3 in Child Care, Learning and Development, and I…
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 30 replies
Hi, Just wondered if anyone has recently experienced a lumpectomy? I had an abnoma biopsy on a lump and to 'be on the safe side' surgeon removed it 12 days ago. Which I know isn't long - but I had hoped to feel a bit better by now. Would anyone be willing to share their experience? How long before all feels normal? And I don't need to go topless in the evenings!!!!! Please feel free to pm is that's better. Many thanks,
Last reply by AnonyMouse_25331, -
- 12 replies
A Mum came in on Monday and explained that her son may be a bit upset because the dog had nipped his hand. Apparently the dog decided he wanted the child's toast and had nipped when the child said 'no' and moved his hand away. Mum had told the dog off and it had then tried to nip her too. So, she confided, she'd decided to have it put down before any real damage could be done. She was obviously upset, so other than sympathise and say I'd keep a particular eye on him, I didn't say anything about what I thought she should do. (not my place really - it's her dog after all!) Anyway, this evening I see that she's advertising the dog on facebook for at least £100 citin…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6716, -
- 9 replies
Following Maz's suggestion on here here is Baby Benjamin
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19147, -
- 3 replies
Have a great special day everyone!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_18183, -
- 5 replies
Hi everyone. Just sent a new post then could't find it so apologies if this comes up twice! I just wanted to pick your brains! My son has just come back from school with a whole load of copied booklets he worked on last year in Y1 from The Teodorescu Perceptuo-Motor Programme which I am not very familiar with. (booklets 1-5) My question is, should he have been given left handed versions or not? (is there a left handed version?) Feeling concerned that he may have had wrong booklets all year but wanted to ask you before bringing up at school so would appreciate input from anyone who knows. Thanks. x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 7 replies
is there anyone as sad as me watching the final ????????
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 4 replies
For those of you celebrating, have a lovely day/weekend. Eid Mubarak Mundia
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
by Guest- 9 replies
i haven't posted on this wonderful forum for a while but dip in and out and learn lots from everyone's generosity in sharing ideas and thoughts! THANK YOU all lots of reasons i haven't been posting but mainly due to not wanting to moan! enough said and have now got a fantastic team with a new deputy who i have loads of faith in and really excited for the future... just thought i'd share something that has happened this week that has really made me wonder what planet some people are from!!! we have had lots of new starters, been fab, really enjoying getting to know our new friends. then i recieve a call from local health visitor about a family and arrange with her for…