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- 4 replies
Best wishes to you both on your special day
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 6 replies
Best wishes........enjoy your day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
- 9 replies
Sorry but my brother sent this to me ...........i had to share it There’s been a big fight in the biscuit tin. A Bandit called Rocky, who was Crackers, hit a Penguin over the head with a Club, tied him to a Wagon Wheel with a Blue Riband+ made his Breakaway in a Taxi. Police say Rocky was last seen just After Eight by a Viscount from Maryland, Hobnobbing with a Ginger Nut, + 2 accomplices, one known as Gary Baldi, + the other known only to the Police as Rich T. Unfortunately they dont have a Crumb of evidence. So the Jammie Dodger might get away with it ! Awful really - but i thought it was very clever!!!! Sue J
- 6 replies
Wow that's it I'm free! Happy half-term everyone (with apologies to those who don't get a break ) Hope your 'to do' lists are not as long as mine! Have a lovely week!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12960, -
Our New Outdoor Area
by Guest- 10 replies
Hi all I just thought you might like to see some photos of our new outdoor play area. I have waited 20 years for this-patient soul aren't I?? The children are absolutely loving it and so are the staff. We are just making the most of it at the moment and having fun. The most popular bit is the little hill in the grassed area-the best game is rolling down it (and that includes me!!). Linda
- 2 replies
Many happy returns to you both!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_18183, -
by Guest- 8 replies
hi all i may be way way behind on this one but a member of staff has just found that we can freeze playdough! we make our own and she wanted to do a huge batch for a half term and freeze it, so she tried with with one lot. it worked and actually comes out quite soft and silky really x
Child Safety Week
by Guest- 6 replies
We have managed to book a pcso to come in and talk to the children, they will be bringing the police car and giving away loads of freebies, the main theme will be road safety.
Return To School
by Guest- 1 follower
- 16 replies
Hi, Tomorrow I start my phased return to school but it has been spread over 6 weeks rather than 4 to give me time to ease back in gently. So I am doing 2 days this week, 2 days after half term and then 2 weeks of 3 days, 2 weeks of 4 days and then full time which will take us to the end of term. I am meeting the head tomorrow to find out what she wants me to do this week but I won't be teaching until after half term and then it will be on a gradual basis. I am feeling much stronger but slightly apprehensive about tomorrow as it feels strange to be thinking about school again and I wonder what it will be like being with the other staff again. I have a meeting planned…
- 4 replies
Many happy returns to you all. Enjoy your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027,