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- 37 replies
Hi all I'm thinking about buying a water dispenser..........any you have one - where did you buy it, how much was it, are you pleased with it ............ Thanks in anticipation
by Guest- 10 replies
I have a colleague who has a severe nut allergy. We have notices up asking that nuts or anything containing nuts must not be brought into the setting and the reason why. This morning a child went into his home room, where the staff member with the allergy was, dad says "oh he's just finsihing of a peanut butter sandwich ok", only to be told that no it wasnt, told child to "hurry up and eat it". Poor colleague had to take an anti histamine, which didnt work, had to take another one, which also didnt work. She then had to use her epi-pen and then was whisked off to A&E!! Dad had left by this time and it wasn't even 7.30am!!! Upshot of the incident was colleague …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_12805, -
- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Many happy returns of the day to you both. Have a perfect special day, hopefully with the sun beaming down on you.
- 21 replies
I had a humungous interview all day long today with loads of tasks.... and got the job!!!! So excited! It's assistant head and reception year group leader! Aaaaaaaaahhhh!!! Thank you to everyone on here who's helped me learn how to do this well!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
- 19 replies
To start with; I have got a place on a BEd (Hons) Primary Education without QTS (top up course) starting in September 2010, and work said yesssss I can gooooo. Yippeee. Ummmm and everyone (or nearly) has done the BA (Hons) Early Childhood Studies. Ah well another 15 months of fun then I can have a nice rest! lol Also I have been doing GCSE maths and English. English has been fine, but maths I struggled. So in effect I had gone off to do some 'adult SEN intervention' to boost my grades. Since Jan of this year I have been doing an Adult Numeracy Level 1 course. Yesterday I sat the exam and I PASSSED. At the age of 29 years, I have finally got a maths …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
by Guest- 1 follower
- 24 replies
Just to let you all know that I had my final session of chemotherapy on Friday. There should be just a couple more weeks of all the odd side effects now, then we are on the up from here on. The initial scan shows the chemo seems to have worked really well so thats a real boost to starting to get back to normal (if there ever was such a thing!). My plan is to start back at work very gradually for the summer term and not go back properly until September. THanks everyone for all the support along the way so far.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
- 28 replies
Well, "No I don't really mind" I said to my daughter, "It's just a number" when she asked how I'd feel about having a birthday card with 50 on it. Thankfully she didn't get me one of those, but I was given a big one in church this morning with a huge 50 on it, and had to open it in front of everyone and smile and be 'happy' to have it. In reality, the glib "It's only a number" was a bit of a hit to the solar plexus, (This isn't mine is it, really?) and "How did that happen then!" I know in reality it's all in the mind, and you're as old as you feel and all that, but sitting here with cards on the mantelpiece, four of which are saying '50' it's quite a sobering ti…
- 2 replies
Many happy returns of the day to you both. Enjoy!
- 45 replies
So........ Have you voted? I have......... I couldn't wait to make my mark and have my say! Now ......... do I stay up half the night to watch the results coming in? My head is telling me 'no'........but I always do!
- 12 replies
Hi all, Have any of you signed the form for a childs (or adults) passport in your capacity as an educator? I have EYPS, BA hons in EYS and have known the family for about 4 years. I remember my sons teacher signed his forms a couple of years ago but she is a teacher and not EYP; does eyp have the same standing in the eyes of the law?. Sam
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307,