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I Got The Job!
by Guest- 15 replies
Can you believe this????? I have been offered the job!
Bbq Rules
by Guest- 5 replies
Thought I would share BBQ rules with you all. They are oh so true. This is exactly the pattern of events that happened last night at a friends house!!! BBQ_rules_1.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
10 Years
by Guest- 6 replies
i have been at my preschool for 10 years tomorrow, started in may 2000 just before my youngest went to school. been busy working today as normal, but thinking about the last 10 years and what has happened and changed at home and at work loads for the better, some for the worse, i still love my job, i still have mountains of paperwork, but i do love it and wouldnt change it for the world x
Help! Just Found Out I'm Pregnant... 1 2
by Guest- 1 follower
- 51 replies
Ok so I thought it wasn't actually possible, as for many years I tried with no success. But having done a pregnancy test and going to the GP apparently I could be up to 16 weeks pregnant already! So help! All I want to do atm is run around screaming. What do I need to know? Especially with regard to working in a Nursery. Really relying on you guys to help quell my panic. Lucy
- 4 replies
Best wishes to you both!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 7 replies
We had a visitor in our Pre-School garden this morning, a very cute young fox cub!! All the children thought he was beautiful until they realised he had brought his lunch with him!! One very dead baby rabbit!! The boys were very interested, wanted to see if there was any blood and guts! The girls wanted to name the dead rabbit and bury it! It lead to some very interesting questions and comments and I think we will need to continue the topic next week! The fox cub keeps coming back (with mum in toe now) looking for his lunch, which I obviously disposed of!! Just wondering if I need to add this to my daily risk assessment!!? What do you think, and aren't…
I Am Now Officially In Panic Mode!
by Guest- 18 replies
PLEASE HELP! I have been shortlisted for a job as a Family Support Worker based at local children's centre - have received mail today confirming interview time and date - and saying I will be required to make 2 presentations and complete 2 exercises as part of the interview process details of which will be given to me on each day of the interview - (2 interviews - one with employer and one 'in front of the Parents Panel' Has anybody any experience of anything like this happening? There is absolutely no clue as to what the presentations or exercises would be about or in what format. HELP!!!
Opinion Sought!
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi... i would just like to enquire about how other groups operate and what duties their chair carries chair has started talking to the staff about issues or concerns they have, which as manager is really beginning to bug me!!!! she has told the staff that i'm very busy so rather than bothering me go straight to her.... it is totally undermining my authority.... i have decided i'm going to arrange a meeting to discuss this but i just wondered whether other managers had this problem with committee run old chair had nothing to do with the staff so i dealt with everything then if i thought it was something that she needed to know about i would sp…
- 4 replies
Many happy returns everyone!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 45 replies
I am completly fed up 2010 and its only April! This is because I have been ill for the past 4 months! Since the start of 2010 I have: Fallen on ice and hurt my back in early Jan 10. Off work for 2 weeks never mind that I did it walking to work! Ok that was an accident, still suffering 3 months on! Hehehehe then went back to work for a 1 1/2 weeks only to go back on sick leave with ear infection number 1 late Jan/early Feb 10. Off work for 2 1/2 weeks. Ended up on 2 lots of antibotics and 2 trips to ENT. Went to the ENT clinic at Feb half term to be told its gone. Only for another ear infection to develop 2 weeks later, still had drops from the last…