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- 11 replies
Just wondered if anyone else saw the moon last night? About 10:30 it was just beautiful........surrounded by an 'aura' which was almost rainbow coloured and then another perfect 'band' which was pale blue........ Really hope someone else saw it - beginning to think i 'dreamt' it!!!
- 4 replies
Enjoy your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 1 follower
- 30 replies
Hi I am sure everyone is aware of the current postion with flights in and out of the UK Just being nosy really is anyone else stuck or got a loved one stuck somewhere? My eldest son is stuck in Bangalore was due to arrive at Heathrow tomorrow morning and then due to fly on holiday to Naples on Tuesday. Looks like he won't be going anywhere anytime soon but at least he has just booked extra nights at his hotel so he isn't without food and board! He is not a happy chappy though! He has exhausted all possibilities of travel to anywhere near the UK and has concluded all he can do is stay put until the situation changes!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Eyfs Staff Meeting
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi all, I am tearing my hair out as our EYFS team including me in Nursery, have to lead a staff meeting about EYFS. Mainly it is to be about how we assess and what we do with the assessments once we have obtained them. Not too worried about that but I am having great trouble finding some clips of Nursery children that I can get the staff to watch and then have a go at doing post it's that are focused and 'add-hock'. Does anyone know where I could find some. Teachers TV mainly has Reception as does National strategies site. I was also looking for a clip about 'building a trap' which I think is reception, but I can't find it any where on line. Perhaps someone has some ideas…
by Guest- 2 replies
HI a member of staff has asked me if i can reccomend any unions (childcare focused obvioudly ) she could join..... any ideas anyone????? thanks Dawn
Last reply by AnonyMouse_26526, -
- 5 replies
Have a wonderful special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_18183, -
- 10 replies
Im home alone so if anyone fancies a chat, Im there just now
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Help - Dont Know Where To Begin!?
by Guest- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Ok, so have been to visit a nursery school and decided to take the plunge and apply for the job! Its for assistant head of the school and I am currently FS leader of a school attached to CC. I am trying to write my letter of application and i dont know where to begin or what I should def include - anyone got any hints tips or ideas for me I could really do with the help. thanks ems
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 7 replies
Is anyone doing anything special for today or marking it in any way either personally or at pre-school/school/nursery? Happy St. George's Day to those celebrating today!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21228, -
Doesn't Time Fly?
by Guest- 8 replies
Hello everyone, gee whizzz, i did not realise that it had been so long since i was last on here. I think that my last set of posts were rather doom and gloom following leaving the position that i loved to then join a position i did not love much at all, to now, and now is a great place Right now i am working as a deputy manager for a well established chain of nurseries. I am loving being part of a chain, i am loving being a deputy rather than the overall manager (feels a lot less stresful compared to my previous managment post). I have been there four weeks now and feel like i am so settled, i love it... i actually want to go to work now which is fantastic.…