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Foundation Stage Forum
by Guest- 16 replies
Have just be looking at the member no of the latest people who have joind the forum. In a month roughly a 1,000 people joined the forum!!!! We must be the biggest forum of people for one profession surely. it is phenomenal to think when you write a comment on here 30,000 people could read it who all look after children!!!!! After being away for a while it has grown incredibly. Well done to all of you who monitor the posts that we all write. When is the Forums Birthday? We've said it before but we should have a big party and all get together. or maybe have Forum parties all over the country We might even be able to shut the politicians up for a while with our views …
- 2 replies
Many happy returns to you all. Hope the sun is shining on you on your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 4 replies
Would anyone be interested in being our penpal - pref from another country?? This is something we looked into doing last year with a preschool from over here and Mrs O loved the idea - Maz still waiting for a reply !!! We are a village Pre School in a lovely setting with lots of history and photos to send if you would be willing to do the same.We recently had our first ofsted inspection and gained outstanding in all areas with the recomendation to develop the childrens awareness of other cultures. Thank you and look forward to hearing from anyone
- 4 replies
Best wishes both..........have a very special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_18183, -
Been Stuck!
by Guest- 1 follower
- 11 replies
Hi all Just got back from being stuck in Europe, and of course what is one of the first things I do, come on here! It's been quite an adventure getting back, won't bore you with the details, but will just say it included taxi, train, car and boat! Although they are saying that flights have re-started that is rubbish because they are all booked up for at least a fortnight so we were stuck without hope of return. Anyway, got to head off for work now for a couple of days, but happy to be home and back on here. Suzie
- 16 replies
Oh what a FANTASTIC day at preschool today Forgive me but I just have to shout that a little chap jumped today for the first time this little fellow is four and a half and he has a diverse range of problems/difficulties but my goodness he could give us all a lesson of dealing/facing/coping with the cruel cards life has dealt him. Time and time and time again this chap has done his utmost to join his peers in any activity going. He loves the trampoline but has never yet managed to actually jump, his feet don't leave the trampoline so he kind of bounces but today he 'took off' and I am so thankful i was there to see his face it was utterly priceless and I nea…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
- 5 replies
Many happy returns of the day to you both. Enjoy your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 22 replies
I just wanted to say thanks to all of you for your support and kind words. My niece has finally been discharged from hospital after almost two months due to pneumococcal meningitis and she is making an amazing recovery. She is crawling, laughing and shouting - a lot different from when the doctors told us she had 'substantial brain damage'. It just shows how amazing and resilient children can be
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
Parents Controlling Their Children!
by Guest- 7 replies
I have just saved one of our preschoolers from running under a car!! She was at the local school where I was collecting my own daughter, when this little 3 year old ran straight out of the side gate and was only stopped from charging straight into the road by me running up behind her and the headmaster fielding her off from the front. And then mum ambled round the corner, not concerned at all. It seems to me that more and more parents seem to think it is fine to let their young children run on ahead both inside the school grounds and outside on the pavement. Half our parents also seem to let their children run up to the classrooms and bang on the windows with no consid…
Done It!
by Guest- 16 replies
Well have done it - it's all official and letters went out to parents yesterday. I have handed in my notice after I finally decided to leave my job of 13 years Supervising at Pre School. Time to move on - no job to go to - but hey ho - life seems a whole lot rosier already! However - I will still be around on here as you are all so fantastic and I do so want to finish my degree too. Just waiting now for Mrs O to arrive (it's bound to happen isn't it - I bet Mrs O won't wait until I've gone).
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361,