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by Guest- 3 replies
Hi I have found out today my ta who is HLTA is not paid for HLTA status if that makes sense but covered my ppa and nqt time last year and does my supply. On top of that a new member of staff who has a english degree not even education claims unqualified teacher for ppa in KS2 and a qualified teacher who chooses to work as a TA claims PPA as unqualified teacher. Surely this is wrong. Can anyone shed some light
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 4 replies
hi to those of you who replied about little girl whos baby had died in womb. many thanks for all the replies - the little girl came in yesterday - she was fine - made a card for daddy "because he was sad for his baby boy his son who died" she said spoke to nan who gave me all the deatils - very sad - she cried i gave her a hug and cried a few tears too. mum wont be around for a while - she cant face anyone at the moment and cant go out for fear of seeing a baby as knows she wont cope - nan said. i asked her to send my love and say i was thinking of them all. so at least the first bit is over. many thanks to you all for your words of help - i knew i would know what to…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 5 replies
Many happy returns of the day to to.......hope its a great one!
How Do Managers Do It!
by Guest- 19 replies
Well it was first day back after a lovely Easter Holidays and it was soooooo busy..... how do other managers do it, i'm included in the ratios so this morning i took in all the paperwork to file i had done over the holidays, even went in half an hour early to file it all(7.30am), and it didnt happen, when i arrived at the setting other groups had left the place in a mess so spent my half an hour tidying, then we had to set everything up, one member of staff phoned in sick this morning, so short staffed!!!!!! then the children arrive full of energy and very excited to be back, as one member of staff down i didn't get any lunch as i did the lunch club, do the afternoon sess…
- 11 replies
Hi, I'm looking for some wooden (or plastic - not fussy) wheels that the children can use to make some vehicles to race their bears down a ramp. Naturally I want to do this before they lose interest, so does anyone know of anywhere I can get some, in a bit of a hurry!
- 6 replies
Many happy returns of the day to you both. Hope its a good one!
- 8 replies
one of my key children mum was due to have a baby the first week in may - the little girl was very excited talking about how she was going to be a big sister and was passing on all her clothes etc as she was big and the baby would be small etc - however i saw a friend of the mum who said sadly the baby had died in womb and mum had had to have baby just before the easter holidays. she said mum had asked her to tell anyone she saw as would be easier for than people assuming she had had baby and it was at home with nan /dad etc.and asking her what she had had etc nan will be bringing in the little girl tomorrow - i know she will be upset - what do you say ? also when meet …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 4 replies
Many happy returns both.......hope the sun in shining on you wherever you are.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
Help! Interview
by Guest- 1 follower
- 6 replies
i have just been invited for an interview for a manager's post, but i haven't done this for so long i am panicing!!!!! i have to do a 'holistic' activity including another member of staff and I CAN'T THINK OF ANY THING! (and a written paper) HELP Please
- 7 replies
Best wishes for your special day. Enjoy!