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by Guest- 8 replies
I have had 2 unconnected parents bring their children into nursery today. Both said "he/she wasnt well last night, he/she had a temperature and a temperature this morning so they've had Calpol". Fortunately my Snr NN said on both occasions told the parents that the child couldn't come in and explained why. One parent left in tears and the 2nd who was dad said "I'm sick of this place, she's always catching something".................................that's because people like him bring their sick child into nursery!!!!!!!!!!!! AARRGGHH This one child we sent home 2 weeks ago with a v high temeperature, mum rushed her up to A&E, turns out she had a viral infection bu…
- 36 replies
Ive just got to tell you all IM A GRANNY!! Im so proud I could burst its the best feeling in the world!! Tyla Peter born April fools day (yes i know!!) 6LB 5OZ he is 3 weeks early and oh so many worries but he is perfect i promise i wont update you on first smile or first steps etc but just allow me this one show off ive tried to attach a photo Andrea (Nanny)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Applying For A Job
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all just wanted to sound off and get a little advise really if you dont mind? I am currently off work at the moment - I have been under a great deal of stress in my current school - in my opinion the school is not in a great place and it falls to a few people to do things they should have to to keep it going and I was being put upon in many ways whihc I should have been. I have decided that I need to get out of there and look for something new - at the moment I am FS leader with responsibitly for Nursery and Reception and we work closely with our new children's centre staff and Lead teacher. I have just seen a job advertised for assistant head of a nursery school and …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 12 replies
Hi all We are are struggling here.......... Find five numbers that have a range of 5, a median of 16 and a mean of 15 He says that he has already worked out that the mean is 75????? All help appreciated!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Eyfs Leader Job Interview
by Guest- 1 follower
- 14 replies
Morning just wanted some advice about an interview I have on Friday for a coordinator position at a primary school with F1 and F2. Its very similar to the school I am currently coordinator in, catchment has higher levels of deprivation and even less willingness from parents in terms of involvement in their child's education. Am starting to get nervous so just wondered if anyone had any advice about things I cou;d read before I go or any ideas for questions I may be asked. I have afew ideas but my usual questionning of my abilities has kicked in and I'm feeling very unsure! Thanks all
I have just been reading a hysterical thread on the TES forum about pens. Mostly posted by secondary school teachers who are very bitter about teenagers nicking all the pens they lend them. They had a number of very amusing ways of making sure the pens were returned such as making them swap a pen for a shoe or a mobile that they only got back if the pen was returned. Might have to borrow some of those ideas for my staff who seem to eat pens, even though not one of them will ever admit to having even touched one of the pens!! Except my deputy who does say that she frequently drops them down the toilet as they are in her back pocket all time!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Happy Easter
by Guest- 4 replies
Happy Easter to you all! Hope you are enjoying your long weekend and tucking into your eggs! Unsworth
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
- 11 replies
Hi there, This is not an early years issue as my daughter is nearly thirteen years old. We have had a turbulent few months since she started high school and she is now unable to attend school due to her high levels of anxiety and newly diagnosed Asperger's Syndrome. There seems to be very little provision which is likely to meet her needs (she is very academically able across the board) because she cannot cope with the size of the high school and has not been in regular lessons at all since September. We have requested a statutory assessment and I would love to hear from anyone who has gone through this process and achieved a private school placement fro their ch…
- 2 replies
Hope your day is special!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Easter Holiday!
by Guest- 20 replies
3 more sleeps until my easter hols!Yey! What does everybody plan on doing with themselves? Apart from setting up a new role play area? lol I'm going to see some meerkat babies at tropical world how exciting! x x x