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- 5 replies
I've just had my Setting Visit for it's all over (as long as I pass!) It went fine, much easier than I expected and the assessor was lovely. She was really supportive and understanding of how I was feeling. She really put my witnesses at ease too. I can't believe I'm all done. I started a degree in September 06 and it felt like this day would never come. What a strange feeling. Just about to break open a Kit Kat! Beehive
Nursery Nurse - Cleared
by Guest- 9 replies
- 401 views The stress of this hanging over you for two years doesnt bare thinking about. I am a bit concerned that a whispering campaign got all the way to court, it also made me realise just how vulnerable we all are and how important surrounding ourselves with a really good team is a key factor.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
- 9 replies
So.......have to share this with people who will understand! Have just bumped into a parent and her children.........oldest will start primary school in September....... She said "oh tell xxxxx what we have been doing this morning" Turns out H has a new bed and also a desk.......wait for it and I quote "ready for all that scary big school stuff"......all said in earshot of H who proceeded to look extremely worried What makes this even worse is this this very misguided mummy is/was a teacher herself.........I give in (that's official)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 9 replies
Hi everyone, I just wanted to share my excitement at having my teaching contract renewed and made permanent. I am so pleased and can really settle into making the changes that need to happen in foundation at the school. Thanks for everyones support. lucie xx
On Thursday evening a child was pushed off the plastic cterpillar in the garden, I'm sure you know what I mean. On Friday morning I emiled mum to see how he was; no reply then I had to go to a meeting. This morning I rang mum's mobile but had to leave a voicemail. I then rang the child's home, Gran answered I asked to speak to mum but was told she was coming in to see me this afternoon, I asked how the child was and was told he has fractured his arm. As you can imagine I was devastated. I reported the incident to Ofsted who were actually very nice but did advise because the incident included equipment then it had to be reported under RIDDOR, I spoke to our Health and …
- 6 replies
Sorry to bother, but I am having another problem and I don't know what is causing it. When I write a post and then I am sent back to the page, Firefox gives me an empty page. I then have to reload the page, but this message comes out: "Firefox prevented this page to automatically redirecting to another page". Why does this message come out and how can I solve it? I use a MacBook. This also happens if I go to "View New Posts". Thanks in advance for your kind help.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
- 4 replies
Hi... for some unknown reason, each time I have written here today, my post come out duplicated/repeated. Does anyone know how to correct this? Thanks in advance!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
- 7 replies
Have a great day all.....enjoy!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
Ofsted Dream
by Guest- 16 replies
I had a dream last night that Ofsted turned up at our pre-school. They graded us 'good with outstanding features' (nice one, cheers guys). But what does this mean? Does it mean we should expect them next week? Does it mean we will get a satisfactory or inadequate for being cocky? Does it mean I am spending far too much time on pre-school related things and need a good break? Has anyone else ever had an Ofsted dream and what happened next ...???
- 5 replies
Does anyone have a ferret? If so, please help. Is it better to neuter or vasectimise? (I did say it wasnt a EY subject ) We've had our ferret less than a week but I'm hooked, he's lovely, so cute and playful but he smells horrible. I've been searching the internet for advice and have been to our vets but theres a contradiction over how to proceed and now I dont know what to do. Anyone able to help?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139,