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by Guest- 8 replies
There must have been a full moon or something this week; I've had a parent demanding an apology from a member of my staff, a parent trying to bring a child back early after having been sent home with sickness and diahorrea and then yesterday this little gem comes out. It seems that when one mum collects her child she asks for milk to be put in his bottle, child is 2, for the short journey home. Girls have been doing this, unbeknownst to me, and it seems heating it in the microwave, but that is another issue. On Thursday I was told that the girls couldn't get out of the room to get the milk for the child at it would have put ratio's out, mum was demanding the milk (sam…
Just Reisgned
by Guest- 18 replies
I have just resigned from my job as Manager of a pre-school - just finding it too hard to fit everything in to my life just now and need a break. I don't have another job to go to yet, but I'm sure something will come along, there is no rush. Not sure how I feel right now, relieved I've done it finally (it took a long time to decide), but wondering how I can completely let go just like that - it has been my life for the last two years 24/7. thinking about joining the committee One question I have, if anyone knows, do we lgeally have to advertise externally for the Manager's job, or can we simply promote the deputy, and then advertise for a room leader or deputy …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Im So Eggcited!
by Guest- 6 replies
we have 6 chickens eggs in the incubator at work and are following their development with the children with 6 days left to tick on the children's chart!! well i candled(a posh torch for looking into the egg!!!) the eggs today and all 6 have a chick inside i know this doesn't mean to say we will have a 100% hatching but should be lucky to have quite a few can't wait to see the children's faces when the chicks hatch, i'm lucky enough to have hens already so will keep the newborns and when big enough introduce the to my other chickens and take lots of photos for the children to see. i just hope the chicks are willing to show an apperence while we are all at pre school not d…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Advice Please
by Guest- 3 replies
I am the manager of a day nursery. I wasn't in work today as I was on training. This evening my Deputy called me about an incident today in the 3-5's room. My Deputy is also the Senior in this room After lunch some children were in the book corner with a member of staff, another member was getting the sleepers settled and off to sleep, there were 2 other members of staff in the room; there were 14 children so well well in ratio. The CD player stuck so the member of staff who was sitting with the children got up to fix it (its in the sleeping area playing low gentle music to help sleep, the person in the sleep area has a bad back at the min so the staff who went t…
- 6 replies
Best wishes for a fantastic day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
What To Do About Staff? 1 2
by Guest- 37 replies
What to do if a member of staff constantly and consistently says that she can't believe you need a degree to do my job (manager) - scrutinizes everything I do......and says that there is absolutely no point my degree, says I can talk the talk and make the planning all look very pretty for Ofsted purposes......aaaarrrrgggghhhh yes same old member of staff that I have previously mentioned....chip, chip, chip away.......sorry feeling deflated .....I work so hard....just been typing up 23 learning stories !
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Pogo Photo Printer 1 2 3 4
by Guest- 96 replies
Hi! has anyone else seen this?! I've tried using the computer to print photos or a photo printer but find it time consuming and not always successful, then saw this and thought it was worth a try. I'M HOOKED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's portable, about the size of a Blackberry. I can Bluetooth photos from my phone or camera (comes with a USB lead, too) and it prints out little photos 2"x3", with sticky peel-off backing, ready for Learning Journies and obs! Mine cost £29.99 from Maplins but I've seen them on for £24.99 and a pack of 70 papers is £10.99 (each photo costs about 15p) Shop around on…
- 6 replies
just getting the hang of it and need some people to follow me (of course I will follow in return!) my twitter name is @anpa2001 thank you
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11962, -
- 2 replies
The Breastfeeding Manifesto Coalition is developing a national scheme to support mothers to exercise their right to breastfeed when out and about. They are asking people to complete a very short questionnaire so they can find out how much support they can count on. It would be wonderful if you could take a moment to complete it. Perhaps we should also take a moment to reflect on whether we do everything we can to support breastfeeding mothers who use our settings either for the babies they are feeding or when picking up and dropping off older children.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 5 replies
Best wishes for a fab day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,