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5,928 topics in this forum
Just Out Of Interest...
by Guest- 5 replies
just come back from an introduction to schema's evening, well 2.5 hrs with 1 cup of tea and NO biscuits, disgusted. so I just wondered how many people actually use it in their setting to help plan for the individual/small group? I have very limited knowledge in this area but thing I will read more as some things seem very interesting. whats your take on it? and yes I am v.v.v.nosey.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
- 3 replies
Best wishes to you all for a very special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
by Guest- 15 replies
It is with great sadness that I type this topic, in the very early hours of Monday morning, (seven minutes past two) some one decided to set alight our outside storage unit and we have lost the lot. As one child asked me when I explained what had happened "But why?". Why indeed.... I replied that I really didn't know why someone would do this. But no one was hurt and the fire engine came quickly to sort it out and we will try to fix it for everyone. One child cried as he realised that the scooters had been destroyed. Upon collection a child was very upset at the news and told his parent Lesley will try to fix it but how will she? Today I have an interestin…
Coconuts In Pre-school
by Guest- 16 replies
Hi there, Does anyone know if children can be given coconut to eat at pre-school as long as there are no allergies to nuts? It is such an interesting fruit, thought we might explore where it comes from etc and then try some for snack. Thanking you Scottiedog
- 4 replies
Have a wonderful special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 16 replies
Hi everyone. My son has been set an assignment at Uni by Kenwood. He has to come up with new ideas for breadmakers, to simplify their use, make them more environmentaly friendly, cut down on parts used and to make them more efficient and easiler to use. I dont own one so cant help him so I wondered if any of you who have one could give me some pros and cons of their use, anything you would like to change or add to make them better and what you like/dislike about your particular one. The make you have you would be useful too. Thanks for your input
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Health And Safety Gone Mad?
by Guest- 8 replies
Am I completely stupid? I just find it complete madness that I have to do a risk assessment on an egg box even though I have printed the 'myths about H&S' leaflet about being able to use them and shown the person responsible for H&S! I don't know whether to laugh or cry!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 11 replies
This all sounds interesting-about your potatoes and chitting. Can I be nosey and ask what you are all doing with your potatoes? Am I missing out on something?!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Has My Counter Stuck?!
by Guest- 9 replies
I have been busy posting on here this morning and each time I have done so my posts counter has stayed at 801. Has it stuck???????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If it has can anyone help?????!!!!!
Last reply by Steve, -
by Guest- 14 replies
Hello! Long time, no chat! I'm going in the chat room for a while, anyone care to join me?