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- 4 replies
Morning all. On the BBC news this morning, was this little chap, Charlie who is 7 years old and he is doing a bike ride today to raise money for food, water and tents for the people of Haiti. He hoped to raise £500. Take a peek at his web page..................... He has just hit £25, 079.75!!!!!! If you didn't see him, or you haven't donated yet, maybe this is the time!! What a wonderful little boy!!
Nursery World Show
by Guest- 4 replies
Hello, is anybody going to this one? Have pre-registered but looks like I may have to take my 9 year old. Do I have to register her as well?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 16 replies
Hi all I own and manage a small pre-school in a tiny village....... Obviously all parents know exactly where I live.........I like to maintain a friendly but professional relationship with parents - this can be difficult in a small village because paths cross all the time - village events, school run etc.etc. Now my question is.......I often have parents say "oh I'll drop that round to your house later" - usually forgotten payments or paperwork that they need to return to me...... I have a huge problem with this, always have.........this is my home and not an extension of my that unreasonable, am I just being weird? Feel free to say ye…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 10 replies
Many happy returns to you all. Hope your day is very special!
- 8 replies
Many happy returns to you both!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10713, -
- 6 replies
Best wishes for a great day to you all!
- 5 replies
In October my son filled in all the forms, with my help, for a student grant for living away from home. The forms were returned to us with a note that the evidence we'd provided wasnt suitable, although their web site had suggested it. We sent back more evidence as asked, by Nov 6th and then waited. Son phoned them twice in December to be told it was being processed. In January he phoned and was told 'we have no forms here from you, can you do them again?' Plus another form we'd never heard of from the tax office. Ok, the form arrived from the tax office yesterday, just as son was opening a letter from them saying his grant was in his bank account. Who are these p…
- 1 reply
Well........ We have been having a lovely time at pre-school looking at the book 'You Choose' - there I was thinking........hmmm - I need to find ways of extending this.......... What do I find - all the hard works been done for me! If you haven't seen it - check out the home page...... Wonderful - thank you very much ........ I can use my few remaining brain cells for something else now!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
- 10 replies
Birthday wishes going to all of you. Enjoy your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Boisterous Boys!
by Guest- 29 replies
We've reached that time of the year again when we have some very boisterous boys who need to move up to big school!! Does anyone have any ideas how to manage these boys for the last few weeks of term?? We dont have a free flow out doors but we do take them out each morning for variable lengths of time (this time is getting longer as they seem to be better when able to run around and let off steam) Any proven activities to stretch and calm them down - the next 7 weeks is going to seem like a long term!!