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by Guest- 15 replies
Hi everyone, I just had to share, cant believe it! Have just received my maths results for the data handling module on GCSE maths. Our tutor entered us all for the higher tier and I got a B 81%, I am speechless. I also wanted to say, anyone worried about doing their maths, really if I can do then anyone can. I got ungraded at school and am absolutely petrified of anything to do with maths, but I pushed and pushed myself, my son kept saying to me 'mum just feel the fear and do it anyway' (a book I bought years ago, nothing to do with maths, but all about facing up to our fears and just doing it). I am so unbelievably chuffed, this in so many ways means more tha…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 17 replies
Hope your day is very special..............enjoy it everyone!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
Hi all - Regarding the recent topic on a recording tool for FS1, this topic is to link to the first in a video capture of a beta version of the program we'll be letting loose on you tomorrow (Wednesday). (find the original discussion here if you haven't seen it). Apologies for being a little indirect in this link, but we're a little bit concerned about making the link available to visitors. If a hundred people simultaneously access the video it will undoubtedly not be good for our server... Find the video here
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10355, -
- 5 replies
Have lots of fun today........hope its a good one!
- 26 replies
Sooooo Managed to get back to work today.........we have been closed for 3 days due to the ridiculous amount of snow! This seemed even worse because we had an extended Christmas holiday - finished with party on 14th December and not back until 6th Jan. Car park awful - although it had been ploughed at some point - path equally awful A team of parents - about 6 of them I think - brought shovels with them when they came to collect their children - they completely cleared the path and put grit down too! How kind - this was all done without a word to me - until they had finished it!!! There was me thinking they might be a bit resentful about the snow cl…
- 5 replies
Enjoy your special day both!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
Job Application Form
by Guest- 1 reply
I am applying for the position of lunchtime supervisor at a local primary school. I have been in childcare for 11+ years as a group worker, leader and owner. I have NVQ 2 and 3 in Early Years Childcare and Education. I gave it all up in July last year, but now really miss having the contact with children so thought that this may be a half way house for me So the question on the form is: How would you approach the job to ensure that the children enjoy a safe and enjoyable lunchtime? My mind has gone blank and can't think what to put - any help anyone
Bring Tangye Home!
by Guest- 0 replies
Hi Everyone, I hope its ok to post this here. I have two beautiful labs and also belong to a lab forum, this story appeared in the daily mail and we are all now hoping it will bring Tangye home to england. This is from labrador rescue Having been in touch with NOWZAD we need to cover costs of approximately £3,500 to get him safely to the UK and in quarantine we are aiming for £5k just in case. North West Labrador Retriever Club, Rescue section have kindly offered to help with some costs and Labrador Retriever Rescue Southern England are Co ordinating donations JUST GIVING PAGE
- 6 replies
Best wishes for your special day.......enjoy!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
- 26 replies
Well I have got to the grand old age of 30, 31 in February and have never found 'the one' but I have finally found someone that I can say 'I love you' to and actually mean it! I actually met him originally 3 and a half years a go and he told me he loved me on our first date. Not surprisingly this completely freaked me out and I just wanted to date and wasn't up for anything so intense at that point. Since finishing with him just over 3 years a go I have been on several dates and chatted to many possible suitors on various dating websites but no one has quite fitted the bill. Anyway I met up with him again at the end of September and the spark was still there and seemin…