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- 4 replies
I thought that this was just lovely........ Have had a call from the daughter of an old friend....... He will be celebrating his 60th birthday in January.......she is making him a 'Memory Book' and has contacted his wide circle of friends and asked them to share a memory with her to add to his book..... Easy for me! He used to sing to my beautiful baby boy, said baby found that really soothing and often fell asleep in 'Uncle' Jim's arms - he especially enjoyed Jim Reeves 'Welcome to my World'........ That baby is now 37!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 11 replies
Has anyone seen the website? It's fantastic, my 4 year old was enthralled. You give it a bit of information and you are sent a video message from Santa. My little ones were on the nice list, but you can do a naughty list version for any disobediant other halves!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 8 replies
Have a wonderful special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 18 replies
Its not to everyones taste but I'm so overt the moon that Rage against the Machine are no 1 isntead of another insipid cover, that I cant stop smiling. Merry chrismas
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Hi - Been a bit quiet recently, so I'd better apologise for that first. I have been around most of the time, just involved in other things - many thanks to those who sent their best wishes in posts over the summer, they were much appreciated! On to the main subject of this topic, however. Don't know if any of you are X Factor fans - I must admit I hadn't been until this year since when our family has been glued to it (in our house it looks like the beginning of 'The Simpsons' when the program is about to start). The reason is that our lovely cousin Lucie has been appearing in it, and is happily still there - she's the welsh girl "from the little village on the hill…
- 12 replies
Many happy returns to you all................hope your day is very special!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1999, -
by Guest- 1 follower
- 6 replies
Can anyone please help. HOw do you find a postcode to an address you have. I have tried royal mail website which doesnt work - I even put my own address in to try it. Also tried another site. I know some you have to pay for but done really want to. Any suggestions?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 1 follower
- 19 replies
Dear all I just wanted to wish you all a Merry Christmas and happy holidays. Today is my last day in the office before the Christmas break and it has been another great year on the forum. Although I don't always get involved in all the conversation on the forum I do read every single new topic posted (a perk of being an administrator is I get notified of each new topic) and I have to say you really have debated some interesting topics this year. Some of the posts have made me smile and laugh, many made my little grey cells hurt thinking, they have moved me emotionally...ranging from joy to sadness but most of all they have made me realise what an amazing group o…
- 14 replies
Hi, well one month into new job working in nursery and the children have succesfully made me sick.... hardly surpirsing with their coughing and sneezing in my face (nice).... spentg my weekend sick in bed with aches and temperature, went into work yesterday and was in agony averytime i bent down (sore sinuses)... off to doctors in a bit in the hope they can give me some wonderful drugs to help me feel better LOL. you would think after working in nurseries for nearly ten years i would be immune now LOL, clearly not. felt so bad ringing in ill today, but can't be helped i guess..... so twiddling my thumbs between episodes of pain... fun... hope you all hav…
- 1 follower
- 10 replies
Heard today in the nursery I manage; CONVERSATION 1 staff 1; have you done any training recently staff 2; no staff 1; havent you recently finished you level 2 staff 2; yeah but that was college not training CONVERSATION 2 Isnt a goat dairy? It lives on a farm Do you think the Christmas festivities are addling their brains?? Help; I'm a Nursery Manager....GET ME OUT OF HERE!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485,