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- 7 replies
Have a wonderful day you two!
Must Be Nearly End Of Term.....
by Guest- 3 replies
Sorry, but I'm catching up on all my emails after a massive computer failure and someone sent me this.......... just had to share it!!! (Can you spot the point at which the nose started to tickle?)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Christmas Health & Safety Advice
by Guest- 4 replies
Subject: Christmas Carol warning A little thought this Christmas! The Rocking Song Little Jesus, sweetly sleep, do not stir; We will lend a coat of fur, We will rock you, rock you, rock you, We will rock you, rock you, rock you: Fur is no longer appropriate wear for small infants, both due to risk of allergy to animal fur, and for ethical reasons. Therefore faux fur, a nice cellular blanket or perhaps micro-fleece material should be considered a suitable alternative. Please note, only persons who have been subject to a Criminal Records Bureau check and have enhanced clearance will be permitted to rock baby Jesus. Persons must carry their CRB disclosure w…
- 16 replies
Last year the FSf logo went all snowy and Christmassy. Is there something I can do to get it on, or is it something Steve will do?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
New Job!
by Guest- 10 replies
I have a new job as an early years advisory teacher in Qatar! The ticket arrived today and I fly out there on 1st Jan with a group of 5 others. Some of you may have seen the ad in Nursery World in recent months and for some reason I found myself applying. Our job is advisory and initially we shall be visiting early years settings to see how they are doing things currently. We have a dynamic project leader who will be guiding us. It will be a challenge I know, but nothing ventured.............! I hope to do a blog if I can work out how to do that. So watch this space... Lesley
- 7 replies
As I'm a reception teacher I don't know the answer to this very simple question? Are 3 year olds allowed to attend 2 different nurseries / pre-schools? Can the funding be used for both? And would both settings need to be aware of this? Just wondering as my son goes to a gorgeous nursery school, but the children who are going to be in his class of 15 children in reception almost all go to one particular pre-school. Obviously there would also be advantages in him going there and making friends with children who will later be in his class, but I wouldn't want to move him there altogether as I love his nursery, they were fantastic for my daughter and I feel a commitment to th…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
- 10 replies
Hello there, I would like a friendly ear to see what to do. I know what I want to do, but this is a bit emotive. My 10 year old daughter has been getting severe knee pain in one knee and now both for a couple of months. Docs have been useless and we have paid to see a physio who straightaway saw that her feet role in slightly and so suggested orthotics. Costly, but a generous Aunt has said she'll pay. The pain is now so bad sporadically that my daughter canot do the things she loves; dancing, trampolining, PE at school. She hobbles around at times a, but not always and this is where the problem lies at school. Friends!!!! A specific girl in her clas has been com…
- 2 replies
Ok guys, had a card arrive at our house today, just addressed to 'the birthday girl' at our house.Since I shall be celebrating one of those very days shortly, I assumed it was for me and opened it.BUT it's not for me!!! It's for Helen, from Thom.......................who has clearly put a lot of time and effort into the beautifully hand-made card.I'd like to reunite them, so, any ideas please???
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 23 replies
following on from the favourite toys form childhood I began to think about my favourite Christmas songs.. now some may not be what is expected here... I could not choose just one as they all came from different times of my life... My all time favourite carol.. In the Bleak Mid Winter... (last verse always does it for me..) then came childhood memory ones... Handel's Messiah (singing this at school loved it so wonderful to be part of a choir singing this in a large church) and to go with that another advent one.. Gaudete - a song of praise.. and yes we sang it in Latin... that one also brings back other memories as about the same time …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 15 replies
come on then who's going to win - i dont mind to be honest - very sad stacy went - but to be honest all 3 deserve to win!