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- 6 replies
Well with it being the Centenary year for girlguides 100 years. The brownie unit I am assistant leader for went to Keightly Worth Railway for a santa special train. We went has a district which was interesting. When we got there, we went for a quick look round the exibtion that there. Then we took all the brownies to the toliets. So during this time of taking the girls to the toliet. We got to meet the Chief Guide Guider! We kindly let her through to the toliet. Some of the adults noticed the camera man 'floating around'. Something interesting happened read on to find out! So we got on the train, the Chief Guide Guider sat with our unit! The girls sa…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1999, -
Outdoor Play
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi, I must just share with you the lovely work we have had done by a company in our outdoor area. They really interpreted the kind of design we wanted. It was all done in goodquality wood and we are really pleased. As they are in Scotland and work in wood they really understood the quality of what we needed. The children loved the shelter den and the toadstools are fab It is really worth looking at their site for ideas. The magnifying posts which are proper ones used in the national parks are fab!! We have previously spent lots of money on some which didn't last over the summer! I feel i've found the Community playthings of outdoors. I hope its ok to…
- 7 replies
Hope it's a great one!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 19 replies
Many happy returns to you both. Hope your day is very special!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10355, -
Well It Has Happened!
by Guest- 14 replies
For those of you following my story....the administration manager has resigned.....she has been very abrupt, rude and yes I can admit it now a bully......the trouble for me is she has three weeks to work her notice, although the committee have said she can leave immediately if she would prefer......I wasn't told anything about the resignation before the staff, she had told everyone and i found out from a parent....the whole term has been trying to say the least....I have remained professional but am finding it difficult to cope at the moment. :wacko: Sorry I am not after sympathy....Christmas is coming and we have lots going on and I have the underlying stress of man…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
by Guest- 2 replies
does anyone know where i can get hold of the pump bottles of anti back hand gel which is ok for children. The stuff we have in school says keep out of childrens reach!! I have looked in tesco but can only find the smakk squeezy bottles
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6795, -
- 4 replies
Have found a rather lovely u-shaped bench for our outside area, trouble is the cost. £500 for the bench plus £200 to £400 for delivery/installation, see link below. This is quite a chunk out of our budget so I was wondering if you had any ideas or know of a stockist of something similar or can suggest an alternative perhaps? Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_18403, -
I Want To Pinch Myself!
by Guest- 9 replies
september 2008 brought a little boy to me who has been anything but easy!! we have been through all behaviours from spitting, attempting to strangle, attacking any child within reach and the usual traits that come up often on this forum! well after trying what i thought was every sort of techinque and loads of advise from sencos to child phycologists (a friend of mine!) as well as tests being carried out from hearing to ADHD!!(arranged by mum after a year of encouragment from myself and the staff!) WE HAVE HAD A BREAKTHROUGH!!!!!! he is an only child and adored by all the family, quite rightly so, but untill he came to us he hadn't had alot to do with other children and …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20414, -
- 4 replies
Best wishes for a lovely day to you both!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 39 replies
So, you've all seen the pictures, and heard our news. We are stranded on the north-west side of the River Derwent now that the bridges have gone or are closed as structurally unsafe. (Our remaining bridge into Workington is collapsing as I write) Mike faces a 90 mile drive to get to work on the other side of the river, which usually is a short trip of 5 minutes. The village school is 'closed until further notice' as teachers live on the other side of the river, and two of the three have been flooded out in any case, so wouldn't be coming anyway. So, does my Preschool stay open, or should I close too, two of my staff have children at the village school, so it's …