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- 11 replies
I can't think of anything I could say in polite company which would cover my feelings about this. Please tell my I am right to be completely horrified by this incident!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 6 replies
Have a wonderful day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 3 replies
hi i have just found a lovely web site that sells great outdoor / science resources at really good prices - things like sand timers -if you buy three or more they are only £5.99 each - alot cheaper than other places i have tried - also mirrors small - 10 for £3.15 (pluse vat for both)- lots of other things and quite reasonable - its on the ocean shop - its based in southampton - so would probably have to pay for delivery but reasonable -have a look - sorry cant post a link x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1469, -
- 9 replies
Many happy returns of the day. Have a good one!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
by Guest- 9 replies
Anyone has laryngitus before??? Help! My voice started to go last Tues and then woke up as a mute on Wednesday! Doctor has told me to rest my voice for a week which I have done - much to my husband's amusement and joy!!! Only prob is I tried speaking today and voice is much better but still croaky and my vocal chords are so sore... Any suggestions apart from - ginger tea, lemon tea, hot honey and lemon, hot blackcurrant, manuka honey, echinacea throat spray or the blimmin awful salt gargle! have tried it 3 times and lets just say I've not kepy any of the previous things down after that! I have a course on Wed which I can probably get away with not talking at but m…
1st Day At New Job
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi all, well i survived my first day at the new job, it was good to be working but also bitter sweet because i so miss my old place and there way of doing things. of course i realise each setting is so unique and i will soon get used to the way of working at the new nursery, and will surely adjust...... i guess its always hard being the new face even when i have worked there many years ago. some things have not changed much at all, which is nice, where as obviously other things have changed and i need to learn the new way of working. I just hope i don't feel like the new person for too long, cos its not really a nice feeling. Dawn
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone,well Google has failed me so i am reverting back to my safety net that is FSF. Baisically my friend in my school is the FS Co ordinator and I am wondering should she be getting paid for this? Similarly I am the Lit Co ordinator? do you get paid or do you do it for the honour? x x x Dont get me wrong i dont do my job for the money at all but I was just curious
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 15 replies
Have a wonderful day all of you.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
I Got A New Job :-) 1 2
by Guest- 31 replies
Hello all, well following the stupid farce at work that led to my dismissal (currently going through tribunal, and feeling hopeful)!!!! I have managed to get a new job. As of monday 16th November i will be a team leader at a lovely local nursery. I worked here many years ago before going to university so it feels like im coming home in a way. I am really happy to not be in a high position of senior role as i did not want the added stress that brings, which is what i had a lot of as manager in my old job. I am working the same amount of hours and have not had to take a major pay cut, of course i have lost some wage, but the lack of stress will be worth it (i h…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 1 follower
- 15 replies
Many happy returns to you all. Have a fab special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782,