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Jelly Bean Mug
by Guest- 4 replies
My husband has decided he would like a jelly bean mug for Christmas, he saw one of the tv and thought it was amazing. To be more exact it is white with raised jelly beans on the outside. I can't find one anywhere! I have seen wine gum and liquorice allsorts mugs in Matalan and have searched on t'internet for one but I can't find anywhere that sells one. Has anyone seen one on their travels? ppp
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
It's Here!
by Guest- 19 replies
I know this is not relevent to early years, but i just wanted to know if there are others out there who are like me and have to put up with call of duty constantly on there tv? With the new game out today i know im in for months of this!!!! any other cod widows out there or am i the only sad one there is????
- 4 replies
Many happy returns to you both. Have a great day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 18 replies
i posted on here a while ago about hand washing prior to snack - and how we have no running water nearby - we were using anti bac stuff you place on hands rub in then shake hands a bit to dry - but this is now a big no no according to our development worker and also i beleive in policies - so need help -does anyone know of anything we can use that doesnt need running water ?
Zoning A Pre School
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi Everyone, We have this week signed our lease for the new pre school and have asked me to compile a list of companies who could zone the pre school into learning areas. Going from a packaway setting to permeneant means we have to get more resources and want to get it right first time and really maximise the space for the children. I have faxed community playthings who are putting something together for us, does anybody know of any other companies who would zone the space then draw up of required resources. The committee are applying for an enabling enironment grant and need this information so we will have a ball part figure of how much money we are going to nee…
- 5 replies
Have a wonderful day all!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 3 replies
Have a fab day all!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 23 replies
Hi all have just bought Christmas pressies for my staff from oxfam unwrapped! (Hope they like them ) For anyone who doesn't already know - this is a great site - I have used it on numerous occasions - family birthdays (for those who would appreciate their present going overseas!), my sister's retirement - she has some trees - somewhere! I have received several 'goats' from my no.1 son!!! Sunnyday P.S. have edited twice to try and get the link to work - if all else fails GOOGLE!!! OK - 3rd edit - ignore my link and use Caits - next post!!! Right 4th edit - to remove my useless link!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Sparklebox Hlp
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi Driving myself mad here..the solution is probaby simple but I dont get it! Have downloaded item from sparklebox (bear footprint) and when I print it it only prints what is in the txt box and not the image? It must be something to do with word/printing but cant see it. Please please help!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 9 replies
Hello all - been off gadding around the southern hemispheres for a while (did you miss me???!! ) and have returned to 23 pages of new posts. So what exciting things have been happening around this forum then - quick precis needed! Cx Boo to being back in the wet too.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79,