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- 13 replies
Many happy returns. Have a wonderful special day!
Images And Symbols
by Guest- 4 replies
Hi Does anyone know the name of the symbols which are used be the EAN teams to show routines, times of day etc. I just wanted to know where we can get them. thanks Sunshine
- 20 replies
Don't often use Google (thanks to Cait I use for my searches and raise money for my pre-school). Anyway today I wanted to look up something on google books and they're having one of their themed days. Today at Google they are celebrating Hans-Christian Orsten's birthday who apparently is the founder of electromagnetism, or something like that. If you feel the need know more, the Guardian has an article here all about him. Maz
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21228, -
Playing In The Park
by Guest- 4 replies
Sorry don't know how to put in a link but wondered what others thought about the park who has told parents they are not allowed in the park with their children unless they have a crb. They have to watch from the perimeter fencing. killowengirl
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 17 replies
Hi all Have received latest Book People brochure today..........some real bargains! Good for Pre-school pressies (if you buy them).
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5458, -
- 4 replies
Many happy returns of the day to you both. Enjoy!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Pause For Thought
by Guest- 3 replies
I received this email today and hope you don't mind if I share it with you. At the moment we have a sevely disabled little boy in preschool who was so badly shaken by his faher as a baby he suffered permanent brain damage. He is 3, his father is out of prison but the little boy has to live with this every day for the rest of his life - I couldn't help seeing his lovely little face as I read this poem .... Please make it stop - Daddy it hurts My name is Chris , I am three, My eyes are swollen... I cannot see. I must be stupid, I must be bad, What else could have made, My daddy so mad? I wish I were better, I wish I weren't ugly, Then …
Threshold Application And Artsmark
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi All. I recenlt had my Performance Management Review, and the big thing that came out of it was that the head wants me to apply for Threshold a year early. I lead the FS in school (which is really just me and my TA as we don't have a pre-school or nursery!) and the head feels because of the work I do in FS and across the school I should be post threshold. Great... but she wants me to do the application in one year instead of two which concerns me a little. She also wants me to apply for the Artsmark award for the school as that's my subject area. I've just checked the website and it says if you haven't started the application by 6th October not to start as it …
- 45 replies
Our competition for this month has been inspired by The Big Draw. Below are 20 anagrams which when rearranged will spell out the names of famous artists. Print off the list and have a go whilst having a cup of coffee! When you think you have all the answers (or when you really can't get anymore! ) just pm them to me. Good luck! 1. Sent Him Raise (5,7) 2. Also Rival Dad (8,4) 3. Miser Had Tin (6,5) 4. Camel Not Due (6,5) 5. Gov Chant Veg Inn (7,3,4) 6. Do Canned Ravioli (8,2,5) 7. Drum And Chew (6,5) 8. Never Jam Her Nose (8,7) 9. Artistic Old Noble (6,10) 10. Sack Jock On Poll (7,7) 11. Treat Vain Jock (4,9) 12. J…
by Guest- 8 replies
I really need help - I have tried to write a document to pull all of our observations together to ensure that children are covering aspects in each area, and to also hopefully pull everything together, I was going to call this a tracker document. However by my own admission it is way to complicated, could anyone give me any ideas - I have been given a new role within my setting and I really want to do it well. Any help or advice would be gratefully accepted. Jo