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5,928 topics in this forum
Medium Term Planning
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi Everyone, I'm really confused on how to do my medium term planning. If we plan to the children's interests, we therefore can not plan ahead. How does everyone else do their medium term planning? Anybody like to share some examples. Thanks very much . Tia
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3401, -
- 3 replies
Many happy returns to you all. Have a great day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 2 replies
Best wishes to you all. Have a great day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
Just Got The Shock Of My Life Lol
by Guest- 10 replies
HI, well i am sat at home (in my bedroom) merrily minding my own business, just chilling out in jogging bottoms and typically looking a mess. when who should knock on my bedroom door but my housemate ( i live in a houseshare) he tells me my friend is downstairs, at which point im thinking which friend LOL... i come down the stairs to find my old boss stood there... how shocked was i. she had my employment file in her hand and she explained that they had posted it last week but it got lost... (did not send recorded delivery). this now makes 7 working days from my dismissal when there policy states five.... anyhow to say it was an awkward moment is an understatemen…
Qualifications In Play Work
by Guest- 1 reply
If a member of staff is qualified in Play work would that be ok for working in a Pre-school? This is turning into a real discussion so thought i'd get some views before i jump in
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Qualification Checker
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, does anyone have the website to check qualifications? It's to check the dates of when you got your qualification and whether it needs updating. I have it written down but as i'm not a work for a couple weeks i just wondered if anyone could send me the link?
- 3 replies
Best wishes for today.......hope it's a great one!
Interview Tommorow
by Guest- 20 replies
Hi, well i started my morning job search, which is becoming so frequent now.... and there was a position for a nursery teacher in a montessori nursery. As it happens i was a student their many moons ago, but the same manager is still there, wonder if that will help me????? on the phone this morning she asked me why i left my previous position and me being honest told her i was dismissed, i explained that i felt honesty was the best policy and she agreed. she also assured me confidentiality when i talk to her. I have explained i am going to be going through an unfair dismissal route as i am fighting this. I feel strangely nervous for the interview, wish me …
- 4 replies
Best wishes for a fab day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Update On My Dismissal Etc...
by Guest- 16 replies
HI all, thanks for all your support recently in light of my recent dismissal. i think today, well this evening it actually really sank in I had a text message from one of the parents (who had my number because i had previously babysat for them before) she said that it was sad i had left nursery and that she hoped i was okay and that they would miss me. i am gutted, truely gutted. The parents have now received letters telling them i have left for personal reasons. A parent has approached claire (my sister) for my phone number, if this was you would you be giving your number out. I got on very well with this parent, but equally i am unsure what i c…