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5,928 topics in this forum
Im Back!
by Guest- 1 follower
- 13 replies
Hi all Well yearly subscription ended Sept 11 and being a bit short of cash (have to wait a month until I get paid from new pre-school!) I thought I could hang on.... . Well, didnt last very long did it? All paid up now and going to try and catch up on all the stuff I have missed out on!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 161 replies
Thanks for bearing with me this month and sorry that the August competition is so late. However, never fear as I can now announce what it is. This months competition is a guess the object from the photo's competition. There are now 10 images in the gallery which you can find here. These are the first 10, there will be a further 10 posted at the weekend. The competition is very simple, just look at the photos and identify the objects. Once all 20 images are posted then you can pm me with your answers - anyone who is unsure how to do this just say and I will try to explain. Please don't post your answers in this thread or in the gallery! Rules: 1. Only o…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
I Got It!
by Guest- 23 replies
Hello all! Just thought I would let you know I got offered 2 jobs on Tuesday!! :wacko: Unfortunately I had to turn one of them down and it was the one I really wanted. The hours were more than advertised and I cant manage it at the moment, as my son has behavioural issues and we are also querying aspergers. We feel that we need to get him settled before we can think about sending him to a childcare setting. I did explain this when the lady rang and offered me the job and she was wonderful and accepted my decision. My name is on their waiting list and she told me not to worry as there will be other opportunities. As for the one I accepted, well its in da…
- 3 replies
Best wishes for your birthday. Have a fab day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 6 replies
Many happy returns of the day to you. Hope it's a good one!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
- 9 replies
I saw a recipie on TV at the weekend and thought I'd give it a go, but I cant remember the programme so I've been looking online and am more confused now. Some recipies use milk and water, some just water, some say rest the dough in the fridge others at room temperature. I've got 2 Jamie Oliver books and neither of them have a bread recipie. I just want to try something very simple so any help will be gratefuly received.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_75, -
- 11 replies
Ok, strange question of the do you delete the history of what you've been looking at from your computer?? I know there is a way, I just don't know how to! I have just had a big row with hubby, who tracked what I'd been looking at today and then blew his top, 'cos he said most of it was rubbish ( He MIGHT just have a point!), but, in order that I can look at interesting things in future without it causing future bust-ups, how do I just get rid of it??....and just to be clear, no, I haven't been looking at things I shouldn't's just in his opinion, it's all junk!.and whenI say 'history'....i mean the little green arrow at the end of the search ba…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
Funny Accidental Observation?!
by Guest- 14 replies
The other day in nursery a little boy told me he was going for a poo! I said you don't need to tell me you can just go. About 15 mins later I realised why he told me - he wanted me to wipe his bottom. I walked past the toilets and saw his stood there pants round ankles! I apologised to him and asked if he had been waiting all that time for me. He said yes but it's ok i counted while i waited. I said oh well done what did you count. He said - you guessed it - i counted my poos, i did four!! The sad thing is I considered writing a post it - 'can count up to four everyday objects (poos)' but then again I didn't fancy checking to see if he was right!! What would ofste…
- 1 follower
- 11 replies
There must be someone on this forum who knows about goldfish and can help us sort out this problem. Ok. In January we took the 'voucher' Father Christmas sent our six year old to the pet shop and bought two goldfish. We had set up the tank with the weekly additive etc and the pet shop tested the water for us before we brought the fish home. We have followed their advice about 10 - 20% water changes, using a syphon to clean the gravel, being careful not to overfeed them. They were fine for six months. We left them with food tablets for two weeks at the end of July while we went on holiday. The next weekend we found one very weak against the filter and it died a…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Seeing The Funny Side!
by Guest- 3 replies
An example of "you have to laugh or else you'll cry"... The local Early Years Team were offering observations, assessment & planning training for childminders and would be providing us each with a copy of The Toolkit to use. 60 people attended 6.30 to 9p.m, on a lovely warm evening. 3 EY trainers and 3 Network co-ordinators.... So, we watch the video, complete the observation sheet, take part in the discussions and 15 minutes before the end of the course, they give out the Toolkits........... Yep, you guessed it.. NOT ENOUGH TO GO ROUND!! 6 very embarrassed EY staff, 60 fed up childminders and a near riot. They were asked how they'd got …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046,