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- 5 replies
Birthday greetings to you all. Hope you enjoy your celebrations!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
by Guest- 26 replies
HI, for all who have been following my previous posts i have been dismissed tonight from my job as nursery manager.... they said it was gross misconduct. I feel terrible. I made a wrong decision re the trip and i have to live with that, but nothing happened.... feeling like they have used the most excessive means to get rid of me when i could have been issued with a warning for this. they dropped the allegation of obtaining money by deception by accruing unauthorised hours because they had no clear policies on how time back should be accrued. so at least this won't be on my record. I need to go in at some point to clear my desk and to hand in receipts for pett…
- 12 replies
As I sit here with yet another 2 catalogues having been delivered - both having the same items in, but in a different order, i was wondering if anyone else gets cheesed off with the astounding amount of catalogues that arrive, sometimes unsolicited, on your door mat. Not only do they come to my home address, but I am in the delightful position of getting a second batch delivered to the setting! Not only the main catalogues arrive - now we have to have "mini" catalogues, sale catalogues, postcards reminding us that there is a sale etc. it goes on and on and for some reason they all have to be encased in plastic bags. Whilst on the one hand there appears to be …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Application Forms
by Guest- 2 replies
Hi, Does anyone have a good application form for people applying for a job role as a practitioner? I'm about to advertise and think my forms need a little updating but can't find anywhere that says what application forms should or should not have-if that exists!! My staff turn around is so low i haven't done this for a few years so i'd appreciate any help. Thank you x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
by Guest- 6 replies
OK, so in July this year I ended my childcare career (my choice ). I have applied for several jobs, and now have two interviews on Monday for part time shop work. As they are flexible hours and wages not stated, would it be rude of me to take a note pad with me and make notes of these things. Sorry, but I haven't had an interview in 18 YEARS and am a bit rusty , don't want to appear rude to the interviewer but also don't want to forget what they tell me (you know what it's like you get information overload and then things start to merge into one!!) Any advice PLEASE!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
Disciplinarary Action Again......
by Guest- 16 replies
HI, I know that some how you can make posts private and only viewable for the members on here but i don't know how to do that, i hope that this is for members here, but if not could someone move it please. well as the title suggests i am facing disciplinarary action, again..... i received a phone call this morning to say that i was not to go into work, and that i was suspended on fullpay. i received a letter three hours explaining that i was being accused of the following: obtaining money by deception by claiming unauthorised hours and pressurising and authorising a junior member of staff to drive on nursery business with a child in the care of t…
- 4 replies
Many happy returns to you all. Enjoy your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Sesame Street And The Economy
by Guest- 1 reply
Sesame street on the economic downturn! Elmo's mom was retrenched!?! Regards Mark
- 41 replies
I have just returned from the A.G.M. of our Village Hall Management Committe - and shock, horror when the Treasurer presented accounts to the meeting we have made a loss of £1,400 - this is the first time that we have ever made a loss - two main reasons the hall is now 15 years old and has needed some attention over the past year and added to that we haven't had many party, wedding bookings. Anyway now I have explained the background - I will get to my main point - clearly there will have to be an increase in hire charges - including mine for pre-school. The committee are extremely kind to me - my rent is quite low - in return I do all the secretarial work for the…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Dismissal Of Staff Member
by Guest- 12 replies
hi, we have a member of staff at our setting who is basically useless. she has been at the setting for 4 years. at the beginning she was ok, better than now, but over the years she has been through a divorce, and she drinks quite in the evenings a lot now. she hasn't done anything majorly wrong, but she really treats this job as a 'break' from home, sitting at the table on her mobile or looking out the window. we recently changed her job description from assistant to 'domestic assistant' as she was not able to understand the whole planning and observation thing, no matter how much help we gave her. her new role involves making snack, changing nappies and basically al…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,