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- 6 replies
I wonder if anyone can help, I found some fab posters for key areas of continuous provision ie puzzles, sand, water, like this one attached, I'm sure I found them on FSF , but can't seem to find them again, can anyone help? Puzzles.doc
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3910, -
- 31 replies
Has anyone else got a lot of children with the same name this year - we usually get one or two but this year we have 3 Harveys and a Harley 2 Evies and an Aoife 2 Jacks 2 Lucys!!!!!!!!!! Thank goodness for the odd Zak and Zara!!!!
- 10 replies
started back today -like many of you -seems like you have never been away doesnt it? did anything make you want to laugh , cry or scream (or all three today) we had a new child start today -mum didnt and wouldnt stay with them even for a few minutes - the type that you are now a big boy and get on with it now you are at pre-school type. anyway he was fine for a minute or two then started to cry - this got louder and louder until he was really going for it - i was about to phone mum when suddenly he was sick (probably because he got himself so worked up) anyway - with that he said "i'm alright now" and off he went to play and we never had another tear from him and he end…
- 5 replies
Many happy returns.............enjoy your special day!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Move To School Site
by Guest- 7 replies
I found out today that the regulation committee (planning dept) have granted outline planning permission, work has now gone out to tender. So apart from crossing the I's and dotting the t's, we are finally moving to a purpose built building with Children's centre attached, although the pre school will remain independant and the only pre school child care provided. As you can image the staff and parents are over the moon, especially my deputy who went to the pre school herself as a child. Our days of lugging everything in and out will be over in April 2010. Claire x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 23 replies
For those who are not familiar with my story, a little bit of background for you: I did my level 3 in 2004/2005 having just had my first baby, then went straight on to do the FD in 2006. Did the first year of the FD, had a few wobbles, doubts etc. 3 weeks into the second year, I found out I was pregnant with my second. Did the whole of the second year and had the baby 3 weeks before the end. I handed my research report in about a week after he was born and also did a couple of outstanding exams. When I left college after my FD, the intention was to take a bit of time out (a year, tops) to concentrate on the family. I had started studying when my daughter was three…
I'm So Pleased!
by Guest- 15 replies
i wrote this messge in june and went to the meeting only to be told that i may not be able to to the work that i wanted to do and the whole building may have to go into bankrupcy so hence me feeling i had jinxed myself!! i've missed all of you but have dipped in and out now and again!! well loads has happened in the last 3 months the buildings been saved we now have child's hand basins and toilet that are all singing all dancing in a new room made on the side of our main room so children ca take themselves, we have a new kitchen area with a dishwaher and shiny sink with loads of storage we have new storage cupboards in the room so everything is in our room and have ma…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 7 replies
Many happy returns...............enjoy your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Dressing Up For The Eyps
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi! My EYPS course is starting next week (woo hoo!), and I haven't been to Uni in ages. Just thought I'd ask all you experienced people out there: what's an acceptable dress code for a postgrad course like the EYPS? I'm more of a jeans and T-shirt kinda guy, and what with the weather getting colder, probably a scruffy jacket over that. Is that too casual? Still adjusting to the change in wardrobes. Used to be in finance, so it was always very formal with ties and stuff. Working in a setting in a T-shirt felt like I was going to work in my pajamas. Regards Mark
- 8 replies
I thought this might be of interest to those of us who's babies didn't or don't sleep well. Apparently it is all our own fault for fussing over them! Obviously this is why my first child wanted to be awake and playing during the early hours until she was about 6 and my second one slept brilliantly from day one despite my fears of a repeat experience.