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Anybody Heard About A New Sef? 1 2
by Guest MaryEMac- 44 replies
Went into panic mode this morning when the post came. I had a letter asking if I was ready for new inspection framework and new sef coming in Sept 2009. Included in the letter was a form to order the specific tools for effective self evaluation. It includes a cdrom but comes at a cost of £183.99. Now I don't intend to take them up on their offer but I was just wondering if anyone had heard about this new sef? Mary
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Sack Race
by Guest- 6 replies
Out of interest who does a sack race at their sports day? ppp
- 7 replies
Have a lovely day today ...and every day.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 9 replies
I hope you are having a wonderful day.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
- 81 replies
- 992 views if I haven't got enough to do......... My grandson will sit his 11+ third week of September (yes, they still do this in sunny Kent).......I have said that I will help him through the summer holiday To this end no.1 son delivered 4 books this morning ... I have spent much of the day looking through them to make sure 'nana' knows whats what before we start So.... English, Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning - no probs. - child's play!!! Maths - aargh.......I knew this would be where I would fall down So.....try this on for size...... The area of a rectangle is 48 cm2. What could be the perimeter of the rectangle? 12cm 14cm …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 1 follower
- 65 replies
Well, the day is nearly here..........................tomorrow I'm back into hospital for an axillary clearance......... ( that's an armpit to you and me!!), I have to have my lymph nodes removed, as they found some pesky little critters lurking there ( no, NOT nits.................I mean cancer cells! ).Anyway, prognosis is still excellent, and I'd rather have 'em out than hang on to them, so, if anyone has a spare happy vibe they aren't using, please send it my way! Will be in hospital for a few days.................and will let you know how I got on!! Be good until I return
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 10 replies
UPDATE Well doctor thinks it is a muscle spasm affecting my nerve, hence the pain and burning and pins and needles sensation.... if it persists to go back in a week as it may be shingles but right now she is not sure.... uesful hey!, so day off for me today to sit and be in pain.... back to work tommorow, even if in pain at least i will be busy LOL Dawn HI all, Recently i have been run down and stressed, well this morning, early hours, i woke with the most horrendous pain across my shoulders which felt like i was being stabbed with red hot needles (pins and needless feeling that felt like it burnt).…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_21228, -
- 17 replies
Just been watching the news! I am saddened and shocked by the number of soliders we have lost this week in Afganistan! My thoughts are with their friends and families. What a sad day for Britain. We owe so much to our service men and women!
Can I have a FSF mug please? (Maz told me I should ask) ppp
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19782, -
well we had our local early years advisors do their ecers visit today and its been so stressfull there where 4 advisors all nice and polite we get on fairly well but it was observation and box checking overload I feel like everything "needs attention" (they havent commented but as I handed over the planning I thought "its not right its not good enough" so I have spent the morning feeling very paranoid. to add to the chaos I was missing two staff one was on a course the other has been called for jury service so we where working with minimum staff trying to give a good professional impression, what with eyfs, eyps, ofsted, sef, keeping up with training, planning, …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13457,