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- 21 replies
UPDATE Well i had the hearing, all very informal which suited me... the outcome a written warning for failure to address a child protection issue promptly, don't really know how i feel about it, but no point arguing when two people are saying that i knew... my word against there's kind of thing. a clear action plan to move forward and a note on my file for the next year so i won't be going anywhere anytime soon. Dawn Hi, wish me luck, my heariing is at 10 am today, i have been informed i have to go.... but then again i now want it all over and done with. Dawn
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 3 replies
Hope you are all still enjoying your special day........enjoy what remains of it!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_18183, -
- 7 replies
Well thats it! I have today been signed off as meeting the qualified teacher standards at the end of my PGCE! I have enjoyed it so much and am really looking forward to starting my job in september. I have transition day tomorrow with my class (reception) and i am really excited to meet them all and start the next step! Thanks everyone! Lucie xx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_18183, -
- 30 replies
Sorry to be a pain, folks, its a long time since we've had this discussion but we have asked in the past that you be careful with the addition of moving avatars as they can cause migraine for some people, if they move too fast. Im quite headachy this morning and Ive just had to move really fast past a moving avatar---which is also quite large---to negate the throbbing feeling it is inducing. I really wanted to read the words of wisdom too! I didnt have a problem with the same avatar yesterday but today, the feeling is awful. Please be careful!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
Mobile Sink Views
by Guest- 4 replies
I am hoping someone has a mobile sink unit suitable for 2-5yrs and is able to offer me some sort of guidance. They all look either too big or too flimsy to me!!?? It needs to be on wheels as we are in a hall with the usual set up issues. Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1490, -
The End Of Year Is Getting Closer
by Guest- 9 replies
Summer holidays are upon us, but looking back of the past year there will have been many a thing to have made us smile, laugh, feel proud, given us a sense of achievement, made us understand why we do what we do... so what has 'done it' for you this year???
Off To The Doctors
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi, well after yet another night of no sleep and a migraine i have finally relented and booked myself a doctors appointment (our surgery has an online booking system, god send when you want to make an early appointment). well i have an appointment at 11:20 and am going to see if they can help me with the whole no sleeping, migraines and stress im under right now.... havea feeling i may get signed off for a week, don't know how 'well' that will sit with the bosses. Dawn
Last reply by AnonyMouse_20414, -
Hours Cut!
by Guest- 3 replies
well was waiting for the day.basically as we losing 12 pre-school in summer and not gaining 12,hours are being cut!!this week only starts with 5 hours being cut in pre-school room but in september we are going to have 6-7 children most days compared to our current 16.redundancy looks on the cards if things don't pik up!!! looks like it is going to get worse so a new job maybe on the cards for me!!.anywhereelse where credit crunch is hitting?!
- 8 replies
Have I missed saying happy birthday - can't find a thread with you on - sorry! Hope you had a lovely day anyway and sorry it's so late in the day!!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Results In! 1 2
by Guest- 31 replies
Large brown envelope through the letterbox, open it with trepidation and wow, hardwork, tears and frustrations were worth it. I've got a first class honours! Thank you everyone here for support, advice and filling in questionnaires. I'm now in a daze and don't know what to do apart from climbing a mountain and shouting to the world!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361,