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- 24 replies
Im off to Bulgaria in 12 days time (not really counting ) im so looking forward to it. Its the first time we have been there, we are also going with friends which we have nt done before either. They have children the same age as ours. Where and what are all you lovely people up to over the summer period.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2776, -
On The Job Front
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi all Well after applying to be bank staff and visiting one pre-school (about 1 month ago) they have now asked me to come for interview. The positive thing was that they didnt just send me the letter they actually called me first to arrange it then sent the letter. Not sure of the hours or whatever (forgot to ask as was a bit confused at the time!) but hey will go along and see what they say. Also applied for the TA job in the foundation unit of a school (2 posts one morning, one afternoon).Must admit to liking the sounds of this one, plus it offers me all the hours I need so would be able to give up sainsburys. Would also mean that I woud have to give up my current …
- 14 replies
sorry know its not related to anything at all - but just wanted to shout and moan about the state of my football club - we have endured years of a man who almost destroyrd the club - relegated us twice - made it so we are in administration in the football leagues eyes - took huge amounts of money during his time as chairman - even though we were not acheiving anything - and now just when we thought things might be on the up - we are left crushed again. i dont care about the ten points - i just want to be able to watch my team play next season. sorry - had my moan now - just needed to vent my frustrations somewhere - i know wolfie is a football fan - lucky for her her te…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
- 5 replies
Many happy returns of the day to you..........enjoy!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 14 replies
I had the following email from one of my 'mums' Hi I was asking Jonny what he thought you and xxxxxx and xxxxxx would like for a thank you present from him and he said that you would like a new bin and xxxxxx and xxxxxx would like a new kettle!!!!! Can I take it that this is not the truth and find something else.......chocs, flowers, smellies? I thought that was so funny and I am delighted that his mum knows me well enough to pass this on to give me a laugh! Anyway, made me think about my favourite thank you wasn't any of the extremely generous and expensive gifts that I have been lucky enough to receive...although they are obviously very mu…
- 3 replies
just heard today that we have been chosen by our local sainsbury as their chosen charity for the year - its only a little shop but the man i spoke to said he is very enthusiastic and loves this part of his job - we dont have to actually say what we will use the money on beforehand just let them know what we have done with the money. this came about because they put out a box where shoppers had to nominate a charity of their choice and say why they had chosen this - the company then looked through and decided which one they wanted to work for so if you see a box in your local sainsbury asking for suggestions for chosen charity - go for it - you might just be lucky
What A Tennis Match!
by Guest- 7 replies
Crikey! Good game, good game!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 12 replies
HI, well it never rains but pours, in light of recent events i have been invited to a disciplinarary hearing. two members of staff are saying that i knew fully the details of a child being mistreated in our setting, but i did not at all. i can see why they are saying it, because they are trying to cover their backs, but i can not prove that i did not know. i have been over and over this with the nursery owner, and because the incident happened three weeks ago i can not recall exactly what was said. but i know morally and professionally had i known the full story then i would have dealt with it. i have given a witness statement with regards to the initial investiga…
Any Classical Music Fans?
by Guest- 3 replies
Ok, so in October I will be one of 1500 voices joining together with 2 brass bands for a concert for Cancer Research UK. We are doing this concert in the Royal Albert Hall. I'm very proud of this and I think it's going to be a fantastic concert. I thought I would post up the link to the event just in case there was anyone interested in coming along. There aren't that many tickets left having just gone on to check but I thought I'd give people a heads up about it. We are singing a varied programme from My Guy to the Hallelujah Chorus and it's going to sound amazing if the tiny joint rehearsal we had a month ago is anything to go by.…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2732, -
- 4 replies
Many happy returns of the day to you all. Have a wonderful birthday everyone!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379,