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Just Fancied A Moan!
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi I just fancied a moan and there is no better place than the forum so just ignore my ramblings i'm just having a bad week..... i'm soooo fed upp with staff whispering in corners and when i come in the room everyone goes quiet... it's sooo annoying it makes for such a bad atmosphere...... it's been going on for weeks now, i have tried having individual meetings with all staff checking if everything is ok and i have asked at a staff meeting if anyone has anything they would like to discuss but no one says anything, even during a session 2 staff are sitting in corners whispering and ignoring the children, soon as they see me it stops and they carry on with their jobs.... …
- 5 replies
As a school we have had quite a range of special needs children over the years. Each time a child starts with one of the more severe needs we have the staff room conversations about whether we are the right place for that child. We have had one child transfer to the 'special' school once he finished in year 2 and one severely autistic boy leave after a few weeks in year R. On the whole though I enjoy teaching these children with diverse needs. I've only had about 2 years out of my 8 years of teaching where I haven't had a statemented child in my class! Anyway having taught several autistic children, children with varying degrees of Cerebral Palsy and a gorgeous girl …
- 7 replies
Many happy returns of the day to you both. Enjoy!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_18183, -
- 4 replies
I want to give my reception class each a book as a end of year present, i've priced up some picture books in the works £5 for 4 which is great value, but I just wondered if anyone knew of any where shops or the net of doing it cheaper?
- 15 replies
I would just like to formally announce that today mummyspud has had her NVQ 3 signed off and is a fully fledged, level 3 qualified practitioner! Well done spud - you're a star! Maz
- 6 replies
Many happy returns of the day to the both of you. Enjoy!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
How About This For A Job?
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi Well saw an advert advertised for a teaching assistant in the foundation unit of a primary school about 8 miles away. There are 2 posts going one in the morning and one in the afternoon. I mailed them about the fact that I am currently doing diploma in pre-school practice etc and hopefully will be qualified by Dec etc and if they thought i was suitable candidate to email application form. So need to know any idea what the job entails? is it like a does it differ etc Is it something you think I should be going for or stick to pre-schools? Any advice/info appreciated! Plus how do you work out wages? Salary is £16,991 pro-rata for 16.25 hrs …
- 6 replies
Birthday greetings to all of you. Enjoy your special day.......each of you!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
by Guest- 4 replies
Morning all. Well, did you see it? Did you see THEM actually, as it was a 2 part finale? Well I did. Given that I am known for my weeping over tv programmes, it will come as no surprise to many that in the weeks building up to the end of the season I have shed many tears. I have gone to bed all puffy eyed and got up............ all puffy eyed. The Izzy scenario with the cancer, the wedding etc has all been too much for this emotional person sat here typing. So, my 19 year old daughter who has been watching on line espisodes of Greys had already seen the end........... She watched it 5 times!!!!! (There may be more of me in her than I thought!!…
Applying For A Job
by Guest- 8 replies
Hello you clever people I was wondering if any of you could give me some pointers please. I am thinking of applying for a part time job to complement my current role but it is quite a big job - a part time lecturer on FD at a local college but provided by a university. Small problem is that I really am stuck on how much to put on the application form in different boxes, who I should put as referee, etc! I got my current job when I already knew people there, your classic parent helper to worker at a playgroup scenario. Under "Current role and duties" for example, how much detail to go into? I have pages at the end to write a supporting statement by the way. Also on…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762,