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- 9 replies
Have a lovely day both of you.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4544, -
- 18 replies
Hi all Probably telling you something you already know..........but just in case this helps someone save some money here goes! I have my mobile on contract with O2 - for the past three years I have rung them at this time of year when my contract would be due for renewal and negotiated new and improved terms ............ but the best bit is they offer to replace your phone - I don't need a new phone so I ask for an appropriate amount to be credited to my account............have just got £75.00 credit - not bad I thought. My bills are usually around the £15.00 mark so therefore about 5 months of 'free use'! Hope this is useful Sunnyday
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
- 21 replies
Hi all!! Got accepted as relief staff for my local special school and they rang me today and asked me to cover as a classroom assistant tommorrow!! Obviously I am very excited and also a little bit nervous. As this is my first paid 'job' in my new career I cannot wait to get there, but am considering having a chat with the teacher beforehand and explaining that although I know about the theories and have completed assignments on my course to confirm this, the only practicial experience I have of special needs is with my aunt who has down syndrome. I am going in with the senior class who, I have been told, are quite independent!! Any last minute advice fro…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 10 replies
Have a wonderful birthday.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
- 21 replies
I know I did this at school but cant remember now. When I sign a letter on behalf of someone else do I put CC or PP where I sign?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 23 replies
Wow - my 1000th post! Proof if any were needed that I have far too much to say for myself!!! I would like to use this 'milestone' to say a sincere thank you to all my 'forum friends'. I am completely new to this social networking in the virtual world - have never used nor understood the attraction of facebook etc.etc. - but I just love this forum - highly addictive! So thank you everyone - thank you for letting me share your triumphs and disasters and for allowing me to share mine with you, thank you for all the wise words, the useful links, the wonderful downloads so freely shared, for all the laughs and even for the times you have moved me to tears with …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Christian Pre-schools
by Guest- 25 replies
We are a pre-school attached to a church, with very strong Christian ethos. Are we a dying breed??? Seldom do I meet someone from a similar setting as ours and it would be great to hear from you, and maybe share some good ideas, good news, good practice etc. Here's hoping and praying!
- 15 replies
Hello all, Not child related (hope that's ok?) but I know you all have creative brains and may like to input your suggestions. My hairdresser is opening up a salon and can't think of a name. She doesn't want anything 'hair related' like tangles, snippets, cutting corners. It's a unisex salon which she wants to appeal to the old and young e.g - revive, vibe. So if you use a salon with a great name or have always thought '____ would be a great name for a salon!' then I'd love to hear your suggestions. Thanks! ppp
Last reply by AnonyMouse_23722, -
- 7 replies
Have a wonderful day all you people with birthdays today.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 5 replies
I was singing along in the car the other day (much to MrsWeasley's chagrin) to Stealers Wheel singing "stuck in the middle" which I bought as a 45 back in the day. During the DJ's back announcement he said "there was Gerry Rafferty and Stealers Wheel". Well. I never knew Gerry Rafferty was in Stealers Wheel! In fact I wasn't even sure I'd heard him correctly so I checked on Wikipedia. Of course now I listen again I can hear Gerry Rafferty's vocal and I can't understand how I didn't notice this before. So what are the surprising things you found out about that made you say "well I never knew that" but which you really ought to have known? I could have …