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Road Safety And Transport
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi! I'm new to nursery teaching (am covering an absence) and have been told that the topic after half term is road safety and transport. Any ideas or info where to find resources would be most gratefully appreciated. Thanks and have a good half term everyone.
The Bells, The Bells....
by Guest Mrs Tiggy Winkle- 9 replies
Ok so please someone tell me I haven't finally gone completely gaga!! This morning when I went to the forum index I got a couple of chimes from a little bell kind of sound... never noticed it before and it's done it twice! Is it a warning that its time for someone to come to take me away, or is there a sensible explanation? Ok It's just done it again! Is it not from this window at all then?? Is it somewhere else?? I think I may have lost it!!! Ok OK panic over.... its not anything to do with here.... its to tell me I have a message in my other group that I opened same time as this one and not looked at yet. Does this mean I am still sane???
- 16 replies
Have a wonderful day SmileyPR.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 9 replies
popping into chat if anyone want a cuppa
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 6 replies
Many happy returns to you all........hope you enjoy your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
Ooohh Getting Some Responses!
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi remember I told you last week I sent out my cv and covering letter to 8 local pre-schools asking if they needed bank/consider me for any vacancies? Well this morning went to have a look at a pre-school 10 mins down the road and they have taken me on as bank (they already have 5 staff with 25 children.....blissss!!!). I will be used where poss to cover illness and courses. Good thing is unlike my setting they run afternoons too. Got a call this afternoon from another one to go and have a visit so they can check me out too! Fingers crossed. Will hopefully be getting lots of different experiences and you never know??!! Only thing I am not sure of is how …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 12 replies
I just wanted to say thank you to everyone on the forum, for sharing ideas, problems and everything else! I got my first teaching job yesterday in reception to start in September, and couldn't have done it without all of your advice etc etc... Of course i will be staying as a subscriber to the forum and hopefully able to contribute more over the coming years! Thanks everyone!!! Lucie xx
Aaargh -- Chairperson And Treasurer
by Guest MaryEMac- 2 replies
OUr chairperson came in during our lunchtime and our planning/learning journal session this afternoon and chastised us for claiming an extra hour for working on the journals. We tried to explain that it is nigh on impossible to clean, eat and do paperwork in 2 hours. I have 2 members of staff who need a lot of support with paperwork so it takes a while. We showed her a learning journal and the planning. She then asked if we needed to plan for every week in the term, could we not plan for 2/3 weeks and then go back to week 1 and start them over again. She couldn't grasp what it is we have to do and why.She also said that we are on a good wage already. Just as a matter of i…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 5 replies
Many happy returns going to you today. Hope you have a lovely day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 13 replies
So this morning a Mum told me that her son wouldn't be coming back to us in September, in spite of her having assured us a week or so ago that he'll be with us for his Nursery Grant year next year. It seems she asked him if he wanted to go to his big sister's school in September like the big boys or stay with us (gee thanks for that!) so guess what.... I'm particularly peeved because of all the work we have put into this particular child over the last 12 months; he was hard to settle, poor behaviour, poor speech and very destructive and we've got through all that and he's great now. His Key Person has spent ages creating a fabulous learning story with him and obviously…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762,