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by Guest- 15 replies
My 11 year old son started his week of sats yesterday and he is really stressed and upset about them. Granted he is quite a sensitive child but I feel so sorry for him as he is really worried about the prospect of a whole week of tests - 2 every day. My son is quite bright and he has been doing extension lessons in science and maths as the school feel that he should be able to achieve a level 5. I am wondering who will benefit most from a high level result - my son or the school? I have told him not to worry and that the sats are testing the school rather than my son but as he takes things so much to heart, he is still fretting. My son is a very conscientious pupil and …
- 6 replies
Many happy returns and have a great day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 29 replies
In the light of recent relevations regarding MP's expenses I decided to see what my MP spends. I found a great site called 'They work for you' where everything about your MP can be easily found. My MP isnt too bad when it comes to spending our money but he voted strongly for trident, student top up fees, for ID cards, for the Iraq war but only moderatly for climate change laws and for a transparent paliament. I'll be watching who I vote for a lot closer in future. If you're interested in your MP you can get to the site here Have fun
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 5 replies
So yesterday and today I've eaten my 5 a day... Only to be rewarded with a tummy ache!? What's that about?! I think this is highly unfair :( Sorry, just needed a bit of a moan. Does anyone fancy doing my NVQ work for me?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14021, -
Good Upbringing?
by Guest- 12 replies
I have 2 grown up sons and sometimes they do things that make me wonder if how we've brought them up is right. Then out of the blue they do or say something that makes you realise that you haven't been such a bad parent after all. This afternoon I received a text off my youngest to ask if him, his partner and her baby could drop in on their way back from holiday. They arrived armed with presents which had been chosen with thought. For my husband a large canvas photograph of a sailing boat at sunset which is now hung in the conservatory and for me a willow collection angel of freedom. When told they shouldn't my son hugged me and said but Mom you're always there for …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
- 68 replies
As the title says I don't often cry but I just have but tears of joy/happiness and utter pride I think I have shared in the past the struggle my third son had during his schooldays and how his dream to join the Police Force has been the toughest of uphill battles. He served as a 'special' locally but his dream was to join the regular force. He has faced so many setbacks and rejections and yet without fail as stood up and tried again and again. Finally he was accepted by the Metropolitan Force and started his training with gusto but since then has been injured twice on duty and forced to have several weeks off whilst broken ribs and other injuries healed. So why…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
Job News
by Guest- 8 replies
Didn't get it. My presentation was the best and I was lovely and it was a very close run thing. But I didn't have enough KS1 experience. So now back to the chaos of where I work and what I think is the reason for wanting to leave is that one member of staff is a bully and it is notced, but nothing done about it. Will feel better tomorrow or the day after, but am at the moment feeling very sad and sorry for myself. Jobs like this come up so seldom. What next?
- 8 replies
I am at a loss! My deputyattended a 'Moving On' training day where we were introduced to an eleven page document which we have to fill in for the reception teachers showing where the children are at. Great we all thought .............. more paperwork. So over the last few weeks we have all been filling in the folders ready for the end of July. So what is she moaning about I hear you cry? Well I had a meeting with our reception teacher and she has just informed me that she doesn't want the folders. Jaw dropped, big sigh, and a why uttered from my lips. Far too long she said. So I had to break the news to my staff today. All their hard work, not to say free time g…
Can I Have A Moan? 1 2
by Guest- 35 replies
Ok, so I've been to the doctors this morning and I'm signed off work for this week. following being off last week self certified. I've had a really nasty chest infection and it's just taking it's time and I've now got some steriods to do something with the bronchial area that I can't quite remember what the doc said now. I text the head and deputy on Saturday to say I doubted that I'd make it in this week but that I would be going to the docs on Monday morning and got no reply. I couldn't bring myself to ring as I'd worked myself up into a mess and was in tears so I thought a text was better than me blubbing and coughing down the phone. Ofsted are in work this week on …
- 4 replies
Where do we draw the line between a healthy child and an overweight child? It has to be drawn somewhere but is this the best way to handle it?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139,