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Pleasently Suprised
by Guest- 8 replies
HI, i decided that i would write to all the schools that our pre-school children would be going to (with parents permission of course). I asked them if they would come and met us, or if we could see them, and i also suggested that i would like to go with the camera to create a learning journey for the children about what going to school would be like..... ie entrance, classroom, playground etc. i received a reply from one school and booked an appointement for them to see us. the head teacher and class teacher were lovely, both into seeing the whole nursery and then to sit with all the chidren and interact with them, of course paying more attention to the thre…
- 1 follower
- 1 reply
Hi everyone is anyone going to the childrensa and young people now show in earls court on 19th or 20th may Marshie
Last reply by SueFinanceManager, -
- 1 reply
Just wanted to rave about the course I went on today. It was with Jenny Mosley and I've read her books and use lots of her ideas but she herself was really exciting and inspirational! I'm hoping my headteacher might arrange some INSET for the whole school now.
Role Play Signs
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi everyone, Does anyone know of a site where I can download signs for a role play car wash. Claire x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 20 replies
Many happy returns to you all. Hope the sun is shining for you on your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Internet Explorer 8
by Guest- 6 replies
Has anybody downloaded and used Internet Explorer 8? And if you have what do you think of it? Linda
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 14 replies
No, not about managers, committee, etc . But my husband. I work in a charity run preschool - fairly ordinary. We are lucky and have our own building & garden, so don't need to set up/put away each session, but do need to do the maintenance, etc. We've no washing machine, so staff take stuff home & wash it. Whenever hubby sees me bringing stuff home he starts on about how we're the only ones doing anything (not true), why can't manager take stuff home (she does) or sent it to a launderette (we're talking small delicate loads here). Today he saw me getting out some oil pastels to take in. They're mine, I bought them 20 years ago, long before I ever me…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6008, -
- 11 replies
Lovely afternoon at pre-school today, we only have our 'big ones' on a Tuesday! So there I am with a roll of masking tape in hand preparing boxes for our painting activity tomorrow when 3 little boys come over and ask what I'm doing. So..........I said ......well actually I am going to pull off lots of this tape and tape you three together!!! This was greeted with shrieks of laughter and they all ran away! Well .... one of them went under a table and banged his poor little ear ... his laughter obviously very quickly turned to tears - I was able to comfort him quickly and easily - thank goodness, but I really did feel awful. Filled in the accident report and mu…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 9 replies
Okay, I finally cracked this morning! I have quite a few contacts who insist on forwarding on every single funny, sad, thought provoking, scaremongering etc. email imaginable. They never think about whether I might find them funny, sad, thought provoking etc but just click on forward willy nilly. My inbox gets clogged up with them so that I can no longer see which emails are actually important and need a response, and which ones are basically a load of rubbish that needs weeding out! It takes up time and energy that I could be spending on important things!! So, in desperation I tried to find the right words to explain why I didn't want them forwarded on any longer and…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 7 replies
Birthday greetings going to you all..................have a wonderful day!