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Aftermath Of Labyrinthitus
by Guest MaryEMac- 7 replies
People may remember that I posted in January about having labyrinthitus and also having tinnitus. The doctor sent me for a hearing test which revealed that I had lost some hearing in my left ear which was my good ear. Today I have been fitted with a hearing aid which means that I am now wearing two. It feels different and I am not sure that it is set up quite right but I have to give it a week or so to settle down. When I went back to playgroup this morning, I could actually hear 2 children who were talking in the home corner from the other side of the room. It was nice not having to ask people to repeat themselves. My staff have been very supportive over this time as has…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
Selling My Self!?
by Guest- 1 reply
Hi all Well just sent out my CV and a covering letter to about 8 local pre-schools in the hope that I may get a job! Have asked to be considered if there are any vacancies but also put down would be willing to do bank staff on days when I am not in my current pre-school. I am sooooo desperate to give up Sainsburys (nights and all day sun) but need to find something else which is permanent. My current pre-school cant offer anymore hours so just thought i woud give it a go. Had even thought about nannying given that our local after school club is full ( enquired for myself), there are no childminders in the village and no one else picks up from the school, but…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4869, -
- 5 replies
Thank you to everyone for my birthday wishes. What a truly great bunch of people you are - I wish I could pour you all a glass of wine to say a proper thankyou. You are a truly supportive group of people and that's what makes this forum so great. Can there possibly be another forum ANYWHERE in the world with such a fantastic bunch of people who can talk about anything from worms to the great theorists! we are a great community - Thank you for your help and support given unstintingly over the last year and I look forward to chatting with you all in the coming year. CHEERS!!!!
- 42 replies
Was in a classroom on Friday and saw this in a display - wish I'd had my camera! 'How many orange's are their?' I think I did one of those pantomime jaw drops!! No wonder our children are no good at spelling and grammar!
- 7 replies
Is there someone you have found really inspirational in your life, someone who has made a difference in some way? Do tell us all who and why? My choice is Dorothy Heathcote, a truly innovative drama teacher. She left school at 14 to work in the mills but was sent off to drama school to hone her theatrical talents. It was Dorothy who introduced process drama, using drama as a holistic learning medium. It was Dorothy who introduced the mantle of the expert approach to teaching and learning.
Something Fishy!
by Guest- 10 replies
On monday we have fish in our builders tray, requested by the children after a discussion during news time about a dead fish found on a beach on holiday. I have bought a lobster, 5 mackeral and a bass from the fishmonger, I purposely asked for the mackeral not to be gutted. My question is would you let the children cut them open to have a look! The thought is making me feel a bit squeemish to be honest. Claire x
Help Me Pleeeeese!
by Guest- 1 follower
- 5 replies
Hello I've got a job interview for teacher in charge of a special support unit in an infant school (speech and language difficulties) I've got to do a presentation (1o mins) about my 5 year vision for the centre. All ideas gratefully received and I need to get the bulk of it done by this week end!!! Is power point in or out? any other ways to do a presentation these days?
To Go Or Not To Go?
by Guest- 26 replies
I have an interview for a Reception teacher next week which is ten minutes away but my current head has offered me more to stay? HELP! What would you do?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
- 2 replies
For those of you who are lucky enough to live near a Pizza hut, visit family week offer
- 0 replies
Hi all, I'm new to the forum but I've been using the website for a few weeks for lesson ideas (its been a great help). I'm here to ask for some help? I'm currently coming to the end of my Early Years PGCE for which I have completed my KS1 placement in Y1, and I'm now just a few weeks into my FS placement in FS2. I've got an interview at my dream school next week. I've got to plan and teach a 20min literacy lesson to 18 FS2s - numeracy being my strong point. The only guidence I have is that they are all working on phase 3 of Letters and Sounds. The school is high achieving and so I am keen that my lesson has some challenge / the children do learn from it. I…