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- 0 replies
all though im made up with our outsatnding ofsted and feeling much better about my job, i applied for some positions when i was getting loads of hassle from my manager, one of whihc is much closer to home then my current job have an interview next week and have to do a 10 min presentation on " the role of the deputy nursery manager in promoting excellent practice in the childrens centre" i was thinking of spliting it into areas: team developement - speaking about inductions,training/coaching, reviews pracitce- speaking about being a good role model, self evaluation, being upto date with current issues, being knowledgeable, continueing own development, o…
They Came !
by Guest- 1 follower
- 23 replies
after being 6 months overdue an inspection, they came today and we have provisionally been given an OUTSTANDING WOOP WOOP so pleased!!!! cant wait to read the report!
- 31 replies
So............ Last day of Easter Hols. and haven't so much as looked at my SEF - so Summer Hols. it is - already have some members aboard the Summer SEF Brigade: obviously me, Cait and Holly35 Anyone else care to join? Sunnyday
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 8 replies
Many happy returns to the both of you...............hope you enjoy your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3448, -
- 7 replies
I need to buy new saucepans as I am getting a new cooker with a ceramic hob, and my lovely copper-bottomed pans can't be used on it. They are 40 years old so they have done really well, but now I have a big decision to make? I need pans which can be used on any heat surface as this cooker is just for three years to fit my current kitchen, and then I am changing my kitchen and cooker completely when my OH retires. I have been looking at different pans and am torn between buying Meyers Circulon Infinite, or some ordinary non-stick stainless steel pans. Any recommendations, suggestions or advice anyone?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
by Guest- 14 replies
Well after a week of having a cough on Sunday night it was making me feel so bad I headed for bed and didn't get out of it. Today I went to the docs and she said I have one of the nastiest chest infections she's seen/heard in a long time. She then gave me horse tranquilisers antibiotics that are REALLY powerful and according to my friend some of the strongest ones you can get so I hope it gets me sorted very soon. I hate being off sick, I always feel so guilty plus I've missed a birthday party for one of my class.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
Lesson Observation For Interview
by Guest- 8 replies
Hi there, I have managed to secure an interview for a job in a school I supply in! I am being observed tomorrow when I will be working with a large group (Y1/2) who I have worked with before and already have planned and prepared it. However, my mind has gone blank as I can't remember what they look for when observing - which is rather silly as I used to do observations of students and trainees a few years back! I will be doing the usual things such as stating the learning objectives, differentiating the activity, using ICT, and as I know the children already, will be demonstrating a good rapport and also using my knowledge of the children to plan an…
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi there, I'm trying to find a way of sharing photos online for immediate family and some close friends. Although I am now near having an OCD in backing up (having learnt this lesson the hard way recently), I am looking for a something somewhere secure and free (ish) to upload photos in case anything happens to our Mac, the backup disk or even the house. Has anyone used Flickr and is it secure enough to prevent anyone seeing any photos I may upload esp of those of my neice and other friend's children? Also do I need to have a yahoo acount and again is it secure? Hope someone can help! Many thanks.
- 9 replies
Not sure how many of you are footie and pizza fans but Domino are offering a deal because apparently there are some important football matches happening both today and yesterday? Means nothing to me, but here's the link to their web page which explains all. Either collection or delivery! Enjoy... if there's a Domino's Pizza place near you! Maz
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 12 replies
Many happy returns going to you all.................have a splendid day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762,