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A Little Something For The Ladies!
by Guest- 16 replies
Hello!! I feel the need to share this link. It came all the way from New Zealand courtesy of my sister and its yummy!! It show some members of the New Zealand rugby team swapping jerseys. It is from the official addidas site, so if they think its ok, then so do I!! Feel free to enjoy I apologise now if it offends anyone. If I do get thrown off the forum, could someone please start a "Save The Mummyspud One" campaign, a bit like they did for Dierdre Barlow!!! Siobhain
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
- 8 replies
Happy birthday to both of you! I hope you have a wonderful day and that your celebrations are happy ones!
Interview Advice
by Guest- 2 replies
hi everyone. once again I am hoping for some ideas on this brilliant forum as my mi8nd is totally blank!! After much sole searching I decided to apply for another job as my current school is not very supportive for NQTs. Now I have an interview and they want to do a 30 minute observation on me in the nursery. What on earth will I do for 30 minutes in nursery when I won't know all their set up or continuous provision etc!!!!? Could anyone give me any ideas please. I would never 'teach' nursery for that length of time in one go. It has to be a core subject so thought I could do something to do with 'Bear Hunt' and CLL? Not sure. Any ideas would be most welcome!!!
- 11 replies
Happy birthday to you both.................have a wonderful day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_5458, -
- 27 replies
Ok so this is my first interview for an NQT post, im nervous, excited, terrified - the usual I think! I want to do something that no-one else will do in my 15mins with the children (rec/yr1) but it has to be based around the very hungry caterpillar. I've got some ideas but wondered what you thought/ what you would do. I know we've all got the same book to work from so want it to be really impressive!! Hope you can help, any ideas will be greatly appreciated, as will any tips for the formal interview!! thanks. lucie x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1999, -
New Building
by Guest- 7 replies
Hi everyone, Well today we saw the plans for our new build at the local school, we will be attached to a children's centre. It looks beautiful, so spacious and new. I have been given all the dimensions and community playthings are going to zone it for us and provide a figure for kitting out the space, to say we are excited is an understatement. We will know our fate in 8 weeks time. Claire x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
- 20 replies
Hope you all enjoy the sunshine on your special day today. Many happy returns to you all!
- 15 replies
Hi all Try this below quite freaky how it works Don't tell me your age; you probably would tell a falsehood anyway -but the Hershey Man will know! YOUR AGE BY CHOCOLATE MATH This is pretty neat. DON'T CHEAT BY SCROLLING DOWN FIRST! It takes less than a minute . Work this out as you read .. Be sure you don't read the bottom until you've worked it out! This is not one of those waste of time things, it's fun. 1. First of all, pick the number of times a week that you would like to have chocolate (more than once but less than 10) 2. Multiply this number by 2 (just to be bold) 3. Add 5 4. Multiply it by 50 -- I'll …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Assessor Ccld
by Guest- 16 replies
Hi, Wasn't sure where to put this post, so if it needs moving, sos. Anyway, I have an interview on Monday as an assessor for NVQ's and the interview specifies there will be a short assessment exercise relating to the NVQ standards. I have put this in the search engine and have had loads of hits looking at NVQ Health and Social care and I can download the standards, however, can't find anything on childcare. Can anyone help Thanks in advance (hopefully) Net x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_4495, -
- 8 replies
I was reading this article on the BBC website this morning. I have to say that I am one of those people who was under the impression that flat Coke was the thing to have when you had a sickness bug. I shall know better in future though.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735,