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Back To It Tomorrow
by Guest- 13 replies
Early get up Seeing what state the hall is in after 2 week away Checking the milk has arrived 1 new member of staff starting 2 new children Watching the door in case our 'friends' as we call it, decided to grace us with their laptop Chasing up funding forms Relief once midday comes Most of all seeing their little faces as they all tell me all at the same time what the Easter bunny brought them! Anyone else got an exciting day ahead of them? ppp
- 15 replies
It's a bit sad really .... senior moment... I read the topic this morning from someone who wanted a story for the 'Seaside' topic they were planning and I put a reply in about the 'Time to get out of the water Shirley' book. I'm sure I uploaded it ... it's not there??? can't find it??? I was also reading the Sef topic, the football topic and the biting topic ... not there either. I must have written it somewhere else?! If you find it will you send it back to the right topic please? As Baldrick (Blackadder) would say "It's completely vanished ... Like an old oak table" Sorry for being old pw xxx
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 3 replies
I know this has been covered before..........................but, does anyone know where I can get graduation gowns for the children, other than Manston, which are a bit pricey??? we had super ones last year, but we let the children keep them and I have just discovered that I cannot get any more from that supplier!! ( They were lovely little wizard ones).Help!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 16 replies
You know the one....where can I get one? Few years ago nearly every shop sold them and now I can't find one anywhere (except ones from diy websites with postage that costs more than the tub itself! Or b and q who have a black one). I just want one to keep my junk modelling in! ppp
- 8 replies
Hope you are both outside enjoying the sunshine! Have a lovely, lovely day
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
A Biten Child
by Guest- 14 replies
If a child bites another child, is it a breach of confidently to tell the bitten child parents, who bit their child ? Can I have your opinions please At the moment we do and both sets of parents sign a incident sheet
Im Back...!
by Guest- 9 replies
Hi all been back a couple of hours from my 2 weeks, stress free holiday in was grrreeat! Weather was lovely too! anyway will catch up tomorrow but thought i woud tell you about the job...... ......didnt get it unfortunately. :( Never!!!????
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
Little Gems!
by Guest- 12 replies
i sometimes wonder about my nearly sixteen year olds intelligence!! i have just ordered a new suite and told her it was 12 weeks delivery because they have to breed the cows to get the right colour and it hadnt been born yet!! she really believed me!!! then a few days ago we where driving past a centre for the blind which had a warning sign saying " blind people crossing" she asked how can read the sign if they are blind! and she once asked when someone mentioned water polo how they get the horses in the pool!!! scary to think she leaves school soon!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Mad, Bad, Sad World
by Guest- 28 replies
My son's just phond me to tell of the very bad news that a lad I used to look after at preschool (many years ago) has been stabbed to death. He was only 26. He had a bad start in life, parents split up and he was looked after by his dad who struggled with alcoholism. I remember supporting the dad, this lad and his sister when they came to me group. He was a friend of my sons when they were younger but when he chose the wrong path to follow my son didn't see so much of him. He got into trouble with the law in his late teens. I saw him a couple of years ago, a changed man it seemed, very proud to be settled down and becoming a father himself. It seems a 19 yr old has…
- 10 replies
Many happy returns to you all.............hope you enjoy your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195,