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Getting Fatter?
by Guest- 14 replies
Morning all. So here I am. Day 4 of the diet (and I am being oh so good. Truly. Its horrible!) Day 3 with the Wii fit. So how come with the exercise (and yes I am getting hot and sweaty!!) and the lack of food (well choc, sweets, crisps, bread, cakes, biscuits type food) I have PUT ON WEIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! AND my BMI has gone UP Oh dear...............................
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14021, -
- 10 replies
Many happy returns of the day to you..........enjoy your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
- 20 replies
Many happy returns to you all. Hope you all have a special day...............mmmmm! chocolate as well as birthday lucky!! Geraldine I hope you can take some time off from study to celebrate, have a fab day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
- 12 replies
This is fun
- 16 replies
I hope you have a really wonderful day.
Refusing To Eat
by Guest- 19 replies
has anyone any advice please, my 18mth old was ill about 5 weeks ago and went off his meals completely. lost quite a bit of weight then started to pick up again but only eating yoghurt refusing everything ive tried ti tempt him with, took him the doctors today and was shocked to see he only weighs 26pound, doc said this is average for his age, but when i checked on centile scale for his birth weight he was 10lb lighter than he should be, he was quite chubby and now he is so skinny you can see his ribs and shoulder blades, doctor said not to worry just dont make an issue of it, i havent been any way, i know they will eat when hungry but its still a worry, surely he cant s…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_15046, -
How Has The Recession Hit You?
by Guest- 11 replies
we have struggled this year to fill up we have had to cut staff hours and shut some sessions . it has been our after school club that has kept us afloat. it appears to be pretty much across our authority apart from the big nurseries who seem to be doing better maybe the higher paid workforce has not been hit as much as the lower paid sector who we serve. today I bought some equipment from a community nursery that is closing after 25yrs. it really made me depressed as we too after 14yrs have thought about it. We are trying a new option from Sept so hopefully we will be ok. last week our authority rang to do a survey on how the recession has hit settings this just shows t…
- 9 replies
Many happy returns to you both........enjoy your day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 17 replies
I need to book a place to eat in London in August (a bit previous I know) Does anyone have a favourite place or can you reccomend somewhere. We'll be seeing Les Miserables in Shaftsbury avenue. It doesnt have to be that close to the theatre, but does have to be really good food.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
Day One Fo The Holidays......
by Guest- 16 replies
So for my 500th post I wanted to write something a bit special for you all.......... Thought I would tell you about my day!! I woke up with aches and pains......... too much time spent on the Wii sport over the weekend!!!!!!!!! Then I hear there's been an earthquake in Italy. Where is my son? Ski ing in Italy on a school trip. Phew.............. he isn't anywhere near the quake. Then I take my baby Rose (a cat aged 2yrs 9 months) to the vets for dental treatment. I drop her off at 8.30 and by 3.15pm I am panic stricken about her............. due to no phone call as promised by 2pm. Seems she has had to have 7 teeth out. Had a bit of a rou…