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Stroppy Parents
by Guest- 19 replies
Why do parents think they can talk to you just as they like and yet would complain like mad if I spoke to them in that way!!!!. I'm so absolutely cross about one particular parent. I have taken over the class from another teacher as there are quite a few specail needs and behavioural problems which don't appear to have been addressed before. I keep asking for adivice from SENCO ( I am an NQT too!) but not much happens. Both time I have spoken to this parent he is really rude and deffensive, claiming I don't care and the last thing was 'you're the teacher what do you want me to do?' when I asked him to have a word with the child about putting things in her mouth! If I did…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 3 replies
Hi, I'm trying to keep my prospectus up to date but we've had nothing so far from Oxfordshire LEA to let us know what our funding per child is next term. Does anyone out there know what it is per child per session?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14766, -
Has Anyone Done The Birthdays Today?
by Guest- 4 replies
May of missed the post but I am worried that no-one will have wished luciebythesea and laurakatie a Happy Birthday for today, if they have will this will have to be a personal post. Hope you had a nice day. We have had sunshine, hailstones, rain and wind here in Somerset!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
Move To A School Site
by Guest- 11 replies
Hi everyone, Had a meeting today with our Chair, following a steering group meeting re our move to a school site. The plans have been drawn up and basically we will have an entrance to the pre school through the children's centre, which will also be new to the school site. The provision will be for 26 children a day, we will have a kitchen, with low level work units down one side, so that the children can participate in cooking activities and adult sized units down the other, space for a oven, fridge and washing machine. The main pre school will consist of a wet play area, plus carpeted area. There will be three toilets and handbasins, a quiet room for small …
- 40 replies
We have had some bad news today; the Chapel in which we are situated has decided to suspend services with a view to closing. There is to be a meeting in March for the final discussion. The Minister is very anxious that we will be allowed to stay - he really likes us being there and is happy that the building is being used to benefit the community. He's going to put this view to the Ministry circuit or whatever they are called, as they will in all likelihood become the new owners of the building. So, a couple of scenarios will arise from this, 1. that a new letting agreement will be drawn up with the new 'owners' and we will have sole use of the building, which they wi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 6 replies
Many happy returns.........enjoy your special day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 7 replies
Have a wonderful day.
- 22 replies
We were talking in chat last night abour our Nursery World exploits and were talking about the next chance for an exhibition-based get together. So this is it, we think - the Education Show in Birmingham. Obviously this is a much bigger show so if lots of us are going we may need to agree a meeting place/time etc. Here's the link to the web page. I like the show planner where you can enter all your requirements into their search facility and it will plan your visit to the show so you don't miss anything you might be interested in. Its just a pity mine would take three days to complete... So what do you think - who is up for our second Forum social of 2…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
- 62 replies
I've alway used socket covers, but having just read a short article in this weeks Nursery World it seems we shouldn't use them, and says that Ofsted and other inspection bodies no longer recommend them! Do you use them or not? page 14 NW week 05.02.09
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 29 replies
Reaction Give this a go - I can't get better than 0.25, can you?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453,