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by Guest- 11 replies
Dont know if i missed something but where have the blogs gone
Last reply by Steve, -
- 1 follower
- 23 replies
To all the mothers out there........enjoy this special mothering sunday day. I lost my mum nearly five years ago and my mother-in-law passed away just last Christmas. I have lovely memories of my mum who scrimped and saved to give me and my sisters & brother the best childhood you can ever imagine. My lovely memories of this wonderful woman are what I think about all the time not just on days like today. But today is a celebration of mothering and we mustn't forget that those of us who are mums should be celebrated too. Go on.....give yourselves a huge pat on the back. We don't always get it right (lost the parenting manual years ago!!!) but we do try and som…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3735, -
- 6 replies
hi i know this has been discussed many times but we are still having trouble getting any feed back from many of the other settings our children attend. has anyone got a letter they send to these settings they would be willing to share please - it is so frustrating when you get told you need to be in contact with these people but they dont wnat to be in contact with you - thanks
Updating Policies
by Guest- 2 replies
Afternoon everyone, I am just inquiring, do any of you know the updated exclusion periods or any good websites for all the child hood illnesses and diseases, as I am updating the policy, and unsure on the changes. thanks H
- 10 replies
Many happy returns all.....hope you have a great day! Hope the sun is shining wherever you are.
- 5 replies
Hello there. I hope you are having a wonderful day?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
I Got An Interview!
by Guest- 6 replies
Hi all Well closing date for that job was last Mon so by yeterday having not heard anything thought that was it.....went to pre-school thi morning with superviosr and job share to do shed tidy (not paid of course for 3 hours work!). They asked me about job I told them think not. Then got home and there was a letter waiting for me! My interview is Fri 3 April at 9.30 am for an hour! To include formal interview, tour of setting and being with the chidren. I have to take all my certificates (presume its ony the ones for since being at pre-school ie first aid, child protection, EYFS, etc?) as well as proof that I am studying Diploma. Im going to take a few of my marked a…
- 1 reply
Hi everyone, Im applying for posts as an NQT for september and a vacancy has come up in a fab school with a great reputation in the local area and brilliant parent support. Its a small school with a foundation class of 15 for september, but i really really really want to get it, or at least get to the interview. it does say that NQT induction is available but with it being a small school how likely do you think it is to be offered a post, because i cant take on any extra responsibility (i think??) in the NQT year so how does that work? Im sorry if this doesnt make any sense but im so excited and have done the application formfrom the specs, but still got to go an…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79, -
- 24 replies
Everyone should go to look at the google picture today, it made me smile!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
App/peer Assessment In Reception
by Guest- 1 reply
Our school have just introduced this in key stage 1 and 2 but I just wondered what you all think of it and if you are using it in reception.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_79,