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- 5 replies
If not , worth a look here WHO DO YOU WANT YOUR CHILD TO BE? I found it by accident but having watched it today thought it worth recommending.... quite interesting, not so sure on the comment about an experimental nursery where all is done by play! been doing that for 21 years! but puts forward idea of moving play module into later years Inge
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 6 replies
Many happy returns.............have a great day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 19 replies
well by 10.30 id done housework . washed and hung out washing - done keyworker bits ..... wish i was in court now going to reside myself to LOST the series - that is
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Lost Article
by Guest- 3 replies
Hi I have been searching everywhere on the forum for an article Helen edwards wrote on Personal development plan guidelines for management but i can't find it, does anyone know where it is... Thanks
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
Disturbing Problem 1 2
by Guest- 34 replies
hi every one, ----------------------------------------------
Very Random Question
by Guest- 10 replies
Hello All My partner and I have today been out and bought a hamster, we are very excited and are definately worse than children lol! We're having a tough time deciding what to name her. She is a little lady (8 weeks old) She is a Syrian Hamster, with a brown face and bottom and a white middle with brown patches, she's sooooooooo cute! Any idea's greatly appreciated! Thank you x
Thank You!
by Guest- 9 replies
I am so glad I've found this forum, it has been a huge help with my practice! I am a childminder and I do find it hard to come up with creative ideas and messy play ideas sometimes and as I work on my own, it's hard when you don't have someone to bounce ideas off. I've only been a member of this forum for a few weeks when I got a leaflet through my door but it's been a god send and I love it! Thanks everyone! Jennie
- 18 replies
Im popping into chat for a while if anyone fancies a natter.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Computer Problem Solving Cold Call
by Guest- 5 replies
Hi Guys, My husband works in computer programming and told me about this, so I thought I would warn you all about it. Some people have had cold calls claiming to be from Microsoft, and offering to remotly fix their computer. They get you to log on to their website and they take control of your computer and download a programme onto it. They charge £35 for the work. Not only do they get your bank details but also now have full access to your computer (even if you are not using it). Hopefully no-one has fallen foul to this. It is sad to see the lengths some people go to. Salsa
- 19 replies
I was going to add to my blog but find them offline at moment so had to put it somewhere. As some will know I have had a bit of a rough time recently, health wise, but today was declared free from any more hospital trips as all test results have come back clear. they did say that it was an interesting case as so many had been involved in it, and a bit hard to work out sequence of events, but finally discharged, and can not get on with enjoying things again.. BUT last night i spent in A&E with husband, calling ambulance out at midnight, and eventually getting home at 5am. Upshot is he has pneumonia and luckily we caught it early as treatment is working. …