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- 15 replies
Many happy returns going to: Apple Kekat Suzanne Brown Loreto Judydb CandiceH Lmwhite Cassie63 Have a wonderful day folks and enjoy the weekend.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_10713, -
- 11 replies
for all you that know i dont like chocolate - i just ate a chrunchie in my defence only cause im feeling even more sorry for myself got a stinking cold (who shall i cough over in court on Monday? :wacko: ) ...and if you want a real laugh.... ran out to catch a mum after work, legs gave way and crumpled to the floor - did look around before i got up to check no one saw what a plonker i felt!!!! its very sore and swollen now though :rolleyes:
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
I Year On!
by Guest- 8 replies
it's my FSF 1st birthday today and i'd like to say thank you for all of your help in the last year it's such a fantastic site i'm so pleased i found you!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1326, -
- 1 follower
- 31 replies
Happy birthday to the FSF. 6 years and still going eh? A good opportunity to thank all of you who make this place what it is today. And a special thanks to Steve and Helen for having that vision all those years ago! Dare I say here's to the next 6?
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
Anyone Else Received An Invitation?
by Guest- 14 replies
Hi, Anyone else been invited to the conference on April 1st (!) at The National Motorcycle Museum, Solihull? How can I resist 4 hours in the company of all those lovely Ofsted personnel - and the more lovely Outstanding providers obviously? There are workshops on "how to stay Outstanding in the EYFS, and other topical issues" - I'll take notes and feedback to you all. Or perhaps take a list of the questions we'd REALLY like answered............? Nona
Dont Know Which Way To Turn
by Guest- 20 replies
Hi everyone, having read all the really excellent replies to job problems I hope that someone here can give me some sensible advice as I am not getting anywhere with the heirachy at my school. I am really sad there and having only started in January, I am already looking for a new job (and started to do so after just 3 weeks). There are issues over the amount of release time I should have, CPD, classroom goes on. I keep bringing it up with management but no one does anything about it and I just feel as if I am wingeing ALL the time. I am very worried about telling them I am thinking of leaving as I have heard on the grapevine of very unprofessional practi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3307, -
And Finally Some Good News! 1 2
by Guest- 1 follower
- 38 replies
As some of you may know, my hubby has been in hospital for over 4 weeks now, very seriously ill. Well I have some news and I need to shout about it - THEY REMOVED HIS TRACEOCTOMY TUBE TODAY!!!!! Was I there to see it - No!! Thanks to my son I had caught the dreaded 24 hour V&D yesterday and am not allowed up into ICU until tomorrow at the earliest! On the plus side, after Martin's sister rang me to say they were taking the tube out, I then rang the unit to see if it was true, the nurse put me on hold and the next voice I heard was Martin's. Well to be honest it didn't sound like him at all, as 4 weeks of not using your vocal chords kinda alters the ton…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 26 replies
Well my quest to meet as many FSF-ers in 2009 continues apace. We had such a lovely evening tonight - MrsWeasley and I took the now obligatory satnav-related detour to a farmyard in the dark en route to Chicken Licken's house and then on to Oxford (with almost a handbrake turn to accommodate the driver's "not seeing the road sign until the last minute" habit). Hope you've recovered from the effects of the G-force, Chicken Licken! Wolfie had chosen a good venue to meet not too far from where she and Mrs Tiggy Winkle were staying (separately, having been unable to book the same hotel but that's a different story). Good food, nice wine and chocolate fudge cake to di…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14021, -
I Need (serious) Help
by Guest- 13 replies
Does anyone know about the internet blocking/locking system that prevents chidlren form accessing certain or unsuitabel sites? If so, can you let me know as I need to block myslef from access to this site!!! I have, in total nearly 19,000 words to write before the 27th of April and I keep finding myself on here!! Somebody help me please.
How Freaky Is This?
by Guest- 12 replies
Went on a course today..(not the best ever). Walked in sat down to a lady (as opposed to to a youngster!), The form came round to sign in. She signed first then me....then she said Not sure if i should tell you this but im the lady (supervisor) you phoned last week about the the pre-school job :( :wacko: (this is the job that i so desperately want etc etc and asked you lot if i should apply for having not got the NVQ 3 yet!) Jut what are the chances of that eh?? Didnt really know what to do! Anyway both decided not to talk about it but suppose when you are on these sort of courses where you have to do a bit of role play etc etc you do end up talki…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,