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5,928 topics in this forum
Am I Worrying Over Nothing?
by Guest- 20 replies
My 14 year old daughter has been asked to bring a photo in to school. It will then be sent off to Germany, with a letter, to a pupil in a school there. She's supposed to introduce herself - family details, hobbies etc. As parents we haven't been given any information other than that, or asked for permission for her to take part. My initial reaction is to refuse to allow her to send a photo. It goes against everything I've ever been taught about Safeguarding Children and everything we've taught her. Once that image is sent to a stranger we have no control over where or what it is used for! Am I over-reacting? or should I follow my instincts? Advice p…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 20 replies
I am so upset at the moment. We found a house we really liked and exchanged contracts on it last December. However, for various reasons we are not completing until the end of the month. The school in our catchment area has had places for both the girls, but were unable to hold a place for them longer than 4 weeks. We are now 4 weeks away from moving so I contacted the school only to find they no longer have places for both of them. My girls are in Year 5 and Year 3, and they have a Year 5 space. The school is an excellent one, which presumably is part of the problem. It was suggested that we try to get them both into another school a couple of miles further away in the op…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 5 replies
Does anybody know what a UCCAPILOG file is?! I went to find something on my computer last night, and noticed a new folder in my user file on windows vista, called "Tracing" and the name of the file is WindowsLiveMessenger-uccapi-o.uccapilog. I'm a bit paranoid that I've someone downloaded a log tracker or something?! And that If I long into MSN it's gonna send all my details to someone somewhere. haha. Especially after giving my friend a lecture about how stupid she was to install a tracker on her computer the other day I closed down MSN when I noticed it and deleted the file permanently, but when I opened MSN again it just pops back up and it's there …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
- 9 replies
Have a wonderful day.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Sef Training
by Guest- 12 replies
Well, I'm home after a day of SEF training. Despite being delivered by two very competant and knowledgable tutors, I have returned feeling more demoralised and confused than ever. i don't feel the course gave enough info as to how to complete or what to put in or not to put in. i understand that they cannot help you with the content as all settings are different but I was hoping for a few examples of good and bad. The course was more about good practice and auditing which i know is important but I still have no idea how to start this thing. As usual I will have to muddle through on my own (with all my forum friends support of course)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_17942, -
- 1 follower
- 49 replies
I'm sitting here waiting for my son to come home after he's been beaten up by 2 men. He saw a bike on the path and stopped to pick it up to lean it against a wall. 2 lads/men jumped him, hit him to the ground, kicking and hitting, he thinks with something other than just fists. Two of his friends jumped in and they ended in hospital one with stiches to his face. Son doesnt want me to pick him up or go to him, he's with his friends plotting how to track them down and kill them. Obviously the adrenelin is pumping! The police went for a look but so far as I'm aware they havent been back to him. It could have been so much worse. So bad that it doesnt bear thinking about. Tha…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_3139, -
Assignments On Ebay
by Guest- 28 replies
Hi, not sure if this has ben discussed before bit how do you all feel about the sale of assignments for open university courses on ebay. Is it cheating or a good study resource,what are your views? Thanks Gill
Last reply by AnonyMouse_7227, -
- 22 replies
I don't wanna say too much, but watch it right until the end.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1195, -
- 24 replies
Just to let you know, its beaten me. I havent been able to get over this feeling that I have no idea what its for! I dont know what I'm doing on it other than reading about others peoples day. And when I click something that then requires me to 'allow' and tells me it will be able to access my details I get twichy. I also had a request from someone to be added as a friend (or the other way round) who I dont want to know outside work but I feel rude ignoring so it helps on that level too.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466, -
Chocolate! 1 2 3 4
- 102 replies
Now that I have your attention, I am hoping I might tempt you to have a go at this months competition. It's that time of year when many people are trying to diet, but however hard they try their thoughts keep turning to chocolate! So instead of reaching for one, why don't you go in search of answers to our chocolate related quiz instead. When you have finished please do not post the answers in this thread! Just pm them to me before the closing date of 24th February 2009. If there is more than one entry with 20 correct answers the names will be drawn at random. The winner will receive a FSF mug and the runner up a FSF badge. Good luck everyone! 1.…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027,