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- 0 replies
Hi all, My mum has given DS2 (5) Early Learning Centre's Word Pool game but it came with no instructions; she's never played it so doesn't know how to & nor do we! Does anyone have the game to tell us how to play it (or scan the instructions & send them to me so I could print them off? lyanne
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6008, -
- 13 replies
Happy birthday to you.................have a great day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
- 25 replies
Have a wonderful day.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8623, -
Im popping into chat if anyone wants to join me and put the world to rights
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
Cat Amongst The Pidgeons!
by Guest- 7 replies
what a day!!! i recruited new staff last month for baby room (an existing student who is excellent) and now the owner has put a bl***y big spanner in the works!!!!! after i had completed the rota for next week he has just informed me that i must take on his daughter for 15hours per week, must be in the baby room as "shes good with sisters baby!" you can imagine how this has gone down with staff who are concerned about " a spy in the camp" and loosing hours!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8282, -
Just Feel Like A Moan...
by Guest- 21 replies
Hi I just feel like having a moan..... i just feel like walking away if it wasn't for the children i would have left weeks ago... we are a committee run pre-school in a church, we are having soooo many problems with the building by the church telling us what we can and can't do that it is making it sooo hard to run the pre-school...... they have now taken away one off our rooms so we have no where for the staff to have lunch that is away from the children, we are not allowed to put anything on the walls, so everything gets put up in the morning taken down in the evening, they have now put in another group after us who are standing there waiting while we are tidying up, w…
The Oscars..... Slumdogs Night!
by Guest- 1 follower
- 8 replies
Morning all. So I got up to the news that Slumdog had won 8 Oscars overnight, and it is BIG thrilling news. But, I am a keen moviegoer and film fan, and I hate how you can watch the news and find out nothing except which British folks won!!!!!! I am happy "to fly the British" flag but I really like to know how the other Oscars went. For instance I wanted to know if Heath got an Oscar (yes) Did Benjamin Button receive any Oscars? (yes) Sorry obviously in a moany mood today!!! So what are your thoughts re the results this morning? Did you see Slumdog? What did you think? Which film do you think has been the best you have seen this yea…
- 68 replies
ok girls... dont know who else to turn too!! What do you do/say to your teenages/almost adults who lie to you???????? I am devistated - (silly me) i had a realy good relationship with my (almost 17 yr old son) but all i seem to get is lies (drinking and smoking in past 6 months) - had in depth converstions about why etc ........ promised it would stop or if there were issues we would talk!!!! very silly (well its sounds it now im writing it) but tonight he emptied sugar bowl making his dad and him a cuppa ( i said about it - he swore blind he only added sugar to his dads cuppa) i know different!!! i know this sounds petty and havnt said anything…
Boys And Girls Alone
by Guest- 20 replies
Hello everyone. After watching the first 3 parts of the Boys and Girls Alone series, I have been desperate to talk to someone about it! My brother seems to be incapable of actually holding a proper conversation about it and thinks that the programme is hilarious. He doesn't understand why ther has been such an uproar about it, and I'm putting this down to the fact that he doesn't know a lot, (or anything to be honest) about children. So I thought where better to come, than here! I just wanted to see what everyone else thought about it? The first time I heard of this programme, I presumed the children would be more my age (around 16-18 ) and was absolutely horr…
- 9 replies
I hope you are having a really wonderful day and got lots of presents.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6021,