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Behaviour In Schools
by Guest- 2 replies
I've just been enjoying a nice cup of coffee and have BBC news on in the background when, of all days (1st day of half term- grrr!) it has an item on behaviour in schools. I think the gist was that the Government has put an idea to put social workers in schools to support parents and pupils to prevenet behaviour getting worse. One of the unions said that behaviour was one of the reasons that some teachers left the profession in the early years of their career, and two trainee teachers felt that they were prepared enough to manage behaviour in the clasroom. But, what really annoyed me was the chap they had in the studio who said behaviour was better than it had ever …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
Junk Mail
by Guest- 1 follower
- 12 replies
I got home at lunch time today to find 4 pieces of junk mail from the postie. This afternoon, another item from local estate agent came through the door. And just now I heard a plop on the hall carpet to go and find 15 yes 15!! take away menus from a local take-away. Thats 20 pieces of junk mail today. I'm so mad with the 15 that I feel like going down town and slamming them on their counter and telling them what to do with them. No wonder we need to recycle everything!!!! How much junk do you get. Oh and thats me personally, not the pre-school (now thats another issue!)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19762, -
- 240 replies
Praying that the forecast is wrong. Snow flurries here (North Downs - Kent) How is it with you? Sunnyday
- 15 replies
Ok I just typed a whole story then don't know what I clicked but I managed to highlight and delete the whole lot in one click!! So long story short and I'll answer any questions you have to clarify the situation!! I am considering going back to an old job! Was pre-school supervisor, left a couple of years ago, they're now advertising for a manager....
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8457, -
- 9 replies
Have a great day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_19920, -
Nursery Or Grandparents
by Guest- 26 replies
Have just been listening to discussion on Jeremy Vine about recent research which says that children that go to nursery are better prepared for school than those looked after by grandparents. There were some grandparents who were naturally insulted by what was being said. Surely, we have all known children who are looked after by grandparents but also go to nursery or playgroup for part of the time, thus getting the best of both worlds - or is that too obvious? There were other contributors who were running nurseries down dreadfully - these sorts of reports make me so cross!!!!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6008, -
- 1 follower
- 21 replies
Many happy returns of the day to you Helen. Hope you have a wonderful day!
Last reply by Helen, -
- 24 replies
With the end of my NVQ in sight (YIPEE!) I've been doing some research on play therapists. I came across play therapists when having a careers interview, but the woman was insistant I should become a nurse and wouldn't give me any information on anything else I've always though it would be a great job, with great satisfaction but never thought about it seriously. So I've been doing some research and I've decided that that's what I'm going to work towards. But I was wondering if anybody on here is a play therapist? Or knows a play therapist? Mrs Weasley PS. I couldn't figure out where this should be posted.. So I thought if I put it here, Beau can move it for…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14021, -
- 22 replies
After cleaning, rearanging, vacuuming, polishing, striping beds, emptying bins, removing laundry and generally tidying up and decluttering the lads rooms today I felt I should warn them when they came home from school. "I've done your rooms today. Keep them tidy" I instructed "Till when?" was the reply. I ask you!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14021, -
- 9 replies
I hope you have been having a lovely day.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_8466,