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Best Advert? 1 2
by Guest- 31 replies
Did you just see the advert for Tmobile? Where they're all at the train station dancing? It was brilliant, Sorry just need to share this with someone.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 5 replies
We have a little boy at Preschool who seems permanently unwell, Mum is always saying 'he's got this....' 'he's got that ....' Colds, coughs, tummy upsets, urine infections, the list is endless! He's a whingey, wimpering child who always needs to be entertained - he cannot source his own things to play with and clings round his key person. She's very 'precious' with him, he's not allowed to dress up in case he puts something 'girlie' on, he's not allowed on the slide in case he falls over the edge. If he's on the trampoline she wants one of us nearby. He brings his own wet-wipes and constantly wipes himself - until I 'took the bull by the horns' and told Mum that …
Got A Feeling Its Tomorrow!
by Guest- 19 replies
Had a call this eve from the big O checking were in this week!!! I asked indirectly if we were due an iminent visit and she said she couldnt possibly say.... We are a new setting and have been open 4 months so I think this could be it
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
- 4 replies
Just as I was finishing off at school today, my lovely cleaner mentioned a little bit of water was coming into the role play area. I carried on hanging up my children's fantastic paintings of patterns they'd found outside and my headteacher came in to have a look. I had my head down and just heard a huge gasp, looked up and my classroom had water acroos half of it - it had come in that quickly! We had a manic clear up, moving things out of the water, which came up over my shoes, and it was really upsetting- loads of the children's special things, their work, my work, our toys etc etc etc was soaked and spoiled. I'm going to need a new carpet as the water that has…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64, -
- 36 replies
Apparently my horoscope for today is: "Group activities might prove especially gratifying at this time, dear Taurus, both intellectually and emotionally. Relationships with old friends grow stronger, and new friends may also come onto the scene. Among them may be people in the same profession as you are, and through them you might learn of new opportunities for career advancement. At some point, expect an inspiring story of some kind to move you to tears. Don't fight it!" Wahay!
- 16 replies
I think this is the truest thing I have come across for quite some time - hope it's just me that relates to it!!!!! Hope you are able to get it Sue J
- 13 replies
I hopeyou are having a wonderul day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_2186, -
- 7 replies
Hi, Just wanted to say Thank You so much to all of you for your support, words of advice and just for being here this week. I did go to work on Friday because at the moment my gut feeling is that if I am signed off by my dr then I give her another reason to use against me and this has happened to other teachers so trying really hard not to do this. It felt very threatening and scary to me on Thursday and Friday but I still taught my class and tried to incorporate some of the things I had been told on Thursday. During assembly one of my class usually leaves after 10-15 mintues and when he was back in the classroom he turned to my TA and said " You know what everythi…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 21 replies
Woolworths is coming back! Woo! look here!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 36 replies
A friend sent me this and it's driving me potty, so I thought I'd share. Karrie
Last reply by AnonyMouse_64,