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5,928 topics in this forum
Problems In Reception Class
by Guest- 21 replies
Hi Everyone, Well I have had an awful week back at school. Not in on Monday or Tuesday because of the snow but still awful week!!!! Had a meeting today where I was told about a moderation visit in May and told that at the moment my class and my room and me were not up to scratch adn need a rigorous action plan to get it ready and it will mean lots of input from me and lots of changes to room , routine and generally. My work samples are not good enough and despite my trying to explain EYFS and me asking for meeting since Autumn term to discuss EYFS and all the challenges it poses its only today that I get the chance to say anything and then I don't really stand a chance …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_11485, -
Update On Me And My Ankle
by Guest- 22 replies
Hello everyone. Sorry I've not been about much but being back at work full time since the start of term has been so so tiring! Today has been a case in point, I nearly fell asleep at the table at lunchtime and I've been asleep on and off since I got in at 4.30 today! Anyway, I thought I'd update people on the latest on my ongoing ankle saga. It's nearly 2 years since I had my fall and there is light at the end of the tunnel. I went to see my consultant last week and he discharged me. He said there was nothing more he could do for me at the moment but if I started to experience any difficulties then I knew where he was! He said it is now down to physio and hard work …
Last reply by AnonyMouse_14021, -
Glastonbury 2009
by Guest- 12 replies
Ok what do you think........................................I haven't been to Glastonbury since I had children (18 years) and every year I sit and watch and wish I was there, my daughter went last year and this year I have a ticket, but, I am scared about going, I will go with a few friends (I don't know them that well, but they are lovely ladies who always go) they are mums from school, but I have only left the children once to go to London overnight (December 2008) and to be honest I am one of those mums who finds it very difficult to leave the children. So I have until May when If I run out of courage I can get a refund on my ticket...what do you lot think? You are my…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_1027, -
- 1 reply
Sparklebox is celebrating its 3rd Birthday today!! Do you remember before Sparklebox, when you had to make your own resources!!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY SPARKLEBOX, AND THANK YOU FOR ALL THE RESOURCES (AND THEY ARE FREE!!!)
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379, -
Baby Safe Finger Paints
by Guest- 3 replies
Hiya, My friend had her little girl last week, and is looking to find and buy finger/hand paints that are safe and suitable for a new borns skin, nothing that will harm her like. Does anyone know where I could help her look? Or know of a place or website? Thanks x
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
by Guest- 0 replies
Does anyone know where I can find a dress like the character Stephanie in Lazy Town??
- 12 replies
Best wishes to you both.........have a wonderful day!
Last reply by AnonyMouse_6361, -
- 47 replies
Ok, this is, I believe, my 1,000th post and I thought it should be a special one, to mark the auspicious occasion! Over the past few months, for reasons you will all understand and indeed, have had a big hand in,I have been experiencing the full effects of wonderful, fulfilling friendship and kindness.So, for me, this friendship has been unconditional and there to scoop me up when I need it.I have offers of help, and a shoulder to cry on whenever, and wherever I need it, which i most surely shall, over the coming months of treatments and further surgery.It is, as I have said before, both humbling and inspiring, and to all of you, I extend my thanks. So..................…
Last reply by AnonyMouse_13453, -
- 9 replies
Happy birthday! I hope you enjoy your special day...........and trust it's a bit warmer in Spain!!
- 27 replies
Thank you for all your entries into our January competition. As last month you get to choose who the winner and runner up will be. As we have quite a lot of entries (and I am struggling myself to choose a favourite ) I have set the poll as multiple choice. So if you are torn between a couple you can vote for both! The poll will close on Friday 30th January so get voting. I will post the entries below in 4 posts as a reminder for you.
Last reply by AnonyMouse_379,